KMT chairman Chu Li-lun (right), Taipei City Legislative Council by-election candidate Wang Hongwei and others attended the "Love and Peace ~Christmas Tree Lighting" event held by the Party Central Committee.

(Photo by reporter Lin Zhengkun)

[Reporter Lin Liangsheng/Taipei Report] KMT Kinmen County Legislator Chen Yuzhen went to China today to discuss issues such as the mini-three links and the ban on alcohol. Premier Su Zhenchang called for unity with the outside world. KMT Chairman Zhu Lilun said today that the government should be ashamed of not being able to solve the problem. Neither one's own people nor the other side can solve the problem. He also called on mainland China not to discriminate against any Taiwanese manufacturers in accordance with international standards.

Zhu Lilun, KMT Taipei City Legislative Committee candidate Wang Hongwei and party affairs director attended the Christmas lighting event organized by the Kuomintang Central Party Headquarters tonight. Zhu Lilun said that the Christmas lighting is to wish the people to be safe.

His wish is to hope for peace on both sides of the strait, hope that the whole people can be safe, and everyone can live a good life.

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Su Zhenchang called for unity with the outside world regarding Chen Yuzhen's departure from the central government to take a plane to Xiamen, China to discuss issues such as mini-three links and the ban on alcohol.

Zhu Lilun said that the government should feel ashamed when the government can't solve the problem, and the people should help themselves, hoping to solve the small three links, Kinmen sorghum liquor, and Taiwan beer that the local people expect through communication.

Zhu Lilun pointed out that the government should solve the problem as soon as possible, instead of only choking the people, it is not easy to choke their own people, but it cannot solve the problem.

The biggest characteristic of the DPP is that it either scolds its own people or chokes on the other side, but has the problem of the people been solved?

Regarding the Chinese government's request that the manufacturer should supplement the detailed formula, the manufacturer is worried that the formula will be stolen?

Zhu Lilun believes that we must follow international standards and not discriminate against Taiwanese manufacturers. As long as we follow international standards, we must provide detailed information. I believe Japan can do it, other countries can do it, and Taiwanese manufacturers should also do it.

In addition, in response to the KMT’s Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin and other young generations’ stances for the nomination of the 2024 Legislative Election, calling for a change of generations, Zhu Lilun said that the whole party is currently working wholeheartedly for the Chiayi mayoral election and the upcoming legislative by-elections in Taipei City and Nantou County. The related mechanism will be discussed later, but there is no such plan yet. Another important point is that the KMT hopes that each generation will be stronger and the younger generation will be better and better.