DPP mayoral candidate Li Junyu criticized Huang Minhui for not mentioning that Jiashi has self-paying debts and other problems.

(Photo by reporter Wang Shanyan)

[Reporter Wang Shanyan/Chiayi Report] The Mayor of Chiayi will be re-elected. This morning, a televised public political opinion conference will be held. DPP mayoral candidate Li Junyu pointed out that the most important problem in Chiayi City is the slow economic development and the loss of young population. He criticized the opponent, the Kuomintang Mayor Huang Minhui only claimed to distribute 2,000 yuan in cash for political achievements without borrowing. He didn't talk about Chiayi's fiscal deficit last year and the establishment of about 500 million yuan in self-paying public debts.

Li Junyu criticized that Huang Minhui claimed to be the mayor of Chiayi City 4 years ago because of the sluggish economic development. However, the same media that rated her as a five-star mayor this year rated Chiayi City's economy and employment as the last in the country except outlying islands. Questioning this Is it the great economic progress and the strong crowds?

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Li Junyu said that Huang Minhui said that the sales of profit-making enterprises have hit a record high for three consecutive years. In fact, the sales of profit-making enterprises in all counties and cities increased last year. This is the result of the five-fold coupon issued by the central government to stimulate public consumption. No. 5.

Li Junyu said that in 2018, former mayor Tu Xingzhe had not raised any public debts during his term of office, but the Chiayi City Government has compiled a self-paying public debt of about 500 million yuan from February last year to October this year. "Do you want to repay this debt?" Please Huang Minhui make it clear .

Li Junyou emphasized that "what Huang Minhui didn't do, Li Junyou will do it." He put forward "three hearts and two arrows" political views, including subsidies for elders over 65 years old to wear dentures, elders over 75 years old to subsidize 10,000 yuan a year for health checks, and increase childbirth subsidies to 20,000 yuan Yuan; and will build a light rail network, promote the Chiayi Grand Station project, and build the Houhu Industrial Zone into a smart medical biotechnology care park.

Li Junyu said that on August 2 last year and August 4 this year, Jiashi was flooded. Huang Minhui said that it was caused by severe weather and central factors. However, the problems of life and property safety have not been solved; he has policy ability, is very familiar with the central government, has lived in Chiayi City for a long time, knows Chiayi City very well, knows how to solve the problems of the people, and Huang City is also tired after 13 years of long-distance running. Leave it to the next baton to run, one stick after another, Chiayi City will be even better, Chiayi City needs a professional mayor who can solve problems.

Li Junyu expounded a number of social welfare and political views.

(Extracted from Chiayi City Election Committee Channel)