In the first phase of next year, Jianan will stop irrigation and fallow, and nursery farms are also expected to receive subsidies.

(Photo by reporter Yang Jincheng)

19,000 hectares of farmland in the irrigation areas of Zengwen and Wushantou reservoirs will be affected, with a maximum subsidy of 96,000 yuan per hectare

[Reporter Yang Yuanting/Taipei Report] After Taiwan faced a century-old drought at the beginning of last year, the Council of Agriculture stated yesterday that after analyzing the rainfall this year, the overall rainfall in the second half of the year in the Jianan area was only 40% of the average for the same period in previous years. The water storage rate of Zengwen and Wushantou reservoirs is only 30%. The first phase of using the reservoir water in Jianan District next year will implement comprehensive water conservation (stop irrigation). The water situation in Kaohsiung is not good. Measures: The northern, central and eastern regions have sufficient rainfall and can supply irrigation normally.

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The Council of Agriculture stated that Zengwen and Wushantou Reservoirs currently store about 200 million tons of water, and the water storage rate is only 30%, which cannot meet the first phase of irrigation in the Jianan area next year. Since November this year, eleven farmer discussions will be held Yes, most of the farmers agree that there will be a fallow period next year in Jianan District, so as to avoid the risk of failure to continue irrigating half of the irrigation, resulting in failure to harvest. The 19,000 hectares of farmland in the Zengwen and Wushantou reservoir irrigation areas in Jianan District will be implemented in the first phase next year. Stop irrigation.

AFA: no impact on food supply

According to the evaluation of the Council of Agriculture, out of the 19,000 hectares where water conservation has been implemented, about 10,000 farmers are involved, and rice accounts for the most at 14,000 hectares. If the yield is 7 tons per hectare, it is estimated that about 90,000 farmers will be affected.

80,000 tons of rice are produced, and the rest are fruit trees, vegetables, and miscellaneous grains. Su Maoxiang, deputy director of the Agriculture and Food Administration, emphasized that the current public grain stocks are 700,000 tons, and the private sector is 600,000 tons. They can still supply the entire population of Taiwan for more than a year. , the food supply is safe.

The Council of Agriculture stated that for the closure of irrigation in the first phase of the Jianan District next year, for affected farmers within the scope of implementation, the maximum subsidy per hectare for those who cooperate with the green environment payment of the Agriculture and Food Administration is 9.

60,000 yuan, and the other is a maximum subsidy of 8.00 yuan per hectare.

50,000 yuan, but cabbage, Chinese cabbage, and green cauliflower are not allowed to be grown. The rest of the affected agricultural industries, such as seedling nursery operators, contract farming operators, rice drying operators, and quality rice group production areas, also provide various relief measures. Including the compensation of 8,750 yuan per hectare for the cultivated seedlings, and 2,500 yuan per hectare for the reduced seedlings. Cai Shengfu, director of the Agriculture and Water Affairs Bureau, said that the total subsidy is estimated to be about 2 billion yuan, which will be paid by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

For contract farm machinery, calculated according to the scale of economic operation, the maximum relief amount for each machine is RMB 200,000 for traction machines, RMB 100,000 for rice transplanters, and RMB 200,000 for harvesting machines; Calculated twice, the relief is 330 yuan per metric ton for each batch; the relief of 350 yuan per metric ton according to the actual amount of rice purchased by the industry in the production area of ​​the rice production and marketing contract group.

Wheel irrigation in Qishan and Yuemei areas of Kaohsiung

Due to the recent poor rainfall in the Kaohsiung area, the water situation in Qishan is relatively tight. The Kaohsiung Management Office of the Agriculture and Water Administration has started to strengthen irrigation management, and has adopted rotation irrigation measures for Qishan and Yuemei areas. The district adopts "four stops and three stops" for irrigation. Cai Shengfu said that it can still meet the irrigation needs of local farmers.