Medicines will be given to patients who meet certain criteria, as well as according to the results of the expanded neonatal screening program, which allows the disease to be detected in newborns.

The Ministry of Health writes about it. 

Also today, the list of 8 more medicines, which will be purchased by the state for free treatment of patients, was finally approved.

"The Ministry of Health, together with Medical Procurement of Ukraine, managed to conduct effective negotiations with manufacturers regarding the cost of medicines in the event of enemy aggression and to achieve significant savings in the state budget. We thank everyone involved for effective negotiations with manufacturers and making a decision that will save the lives of Ukrainians," it says. in the message. 

This rare genetic disease is characterized by progressive muscle weakness throughout the body.

With age, it leads to a violation of the musculoskeletal system and, in the end, confines the patient to a wheelchair and bed.

Currently, many families in Ukraine are collecting funds for life-saving treatment for children with a confirmed diagnosis of SMA.

The disease affects the motor neurons of the spinal cord and leads to progressive muscle weakness.

It progresses from weakness in the muscles of the legs and the whole body to the muscles responsible for swallowing and breathing, while the intellect is completely preserved.

We will remind you that we previously wrote about the fact that

spinal muscular atrophy is a merciless genetic killer

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  • The parents of a spina bicyclist built a recovery center in Cherkasy instead of rehabilitating their son abroad

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