When I met John, my ex-husband, in my house I nearly pissed myself.

ex-husband in the house

The phrase nearly pissed or nearly pissed (oneself) means 'suddenly shocked or shocked'. The phrase is similar to nearly shit oneself or nearly wet oneself.

Many people understand that neat means 'to be tidy'. In some countries, neat means 'very good, wonderful, very ok'. When asked how was the graduation party last night, Rhonda said The party was neat. Very ok. If you want to say 'organized, in a line, in a line', foreigners use it as neat as a pin, which means very tidy or very orderly.

Punt means 'kick, kick or gamble'. Some countries use it to mean 'effort or experiment'. It is said that it is very dangerous to dig gems in the Hell Republic.

David hears it and says I'll have a punt at it.

At the party the day before

Rita asks about her ex-boyfriend Stephen who wasn't at the party.

How are you doing now? My friends say He is a pumpkin-head now.

Nitikarun Mingruchiralai
