Waldemar Andzel, chairman of Poland's "Poland-Taiwan Parliamentary Group", led a delegation to visit Taiwan for 5 days. Today (6) the delegation visited the Legislative Yuan and was personally received by President You Xikun.

(Photo by reporter Yang Chengyu)

[Reporter Yang Chengyu/Taipei Report] Waldemar Andzel, Chairman of the Intelligence and Governance Committee of the Polish House of Representatives, Vice Chairman of the National Defense Committee, and Chairman of the "Poland-Taiwan Congressional Group" led a delegation to visit Taiwan from the 5th to the 9th of this month. Today (6) Called on the Legislative Yuan, personally received by President You Xikun.

You Xikun once again thanked Poland for donating 400,000 doses of vaccines to our country last year, and quoted former Polish President Wallesa's speech in the Legislative Yuan as "good will win".

In his speech, An Zou emphasized his support for Taiwan, hoping to have more cooperation opportunities in the fields of economy, trade, culture, science and technology, tourism and agriculture.

You Xikun thanked Anzou and others for their long-term firm support and assistance to Taiwan, including the donation of 400,000 doses of vaccines to Taiwan in September last year, the largest amount in Europe; in addition, in recent years, Poland has also actively supported Taiwan's participation in the WHO and international International organizations such as the Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); after the Ukrainian-Russian war broke out this year, they also assisted in sending the kindness of the Taiwanese to the Ukrainians.

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You Xikun said that Poland is located in the center of Europe, and it is the first country in Central and Eastern Europe to abandon communism. It has taken the lead in launching a series of democratization movements, which is admirable.

On June 4, 1989, when the Tiananmen incident occurred in China, Poland ended the communist dictatorship through democratic elections and the votes of the people, and peacefully transferred power. It was a real democratic revolution.

You Xikun pointed out that Poland and Taiwan have many similarities in the process of democratization. They both faced the intrusion of powerful neighbors around them; many people sacrificed their lives to achieve today's democracy.

In the past 100 years, Taiwan has been colonized, slaughtered, and experienced martial law for 38 years before it achieved today's democratic achievements.

Therefore, we cherish the current democratic way of life very much, and we will firmly guard it.

You Xikun also mentioned the first democratically elected president of Poland, Wallesa. He visited Taiwan in November 1996 and said in a speech at the Legislative Yuan that "modern people are increasingly unable to accept that force can solve everything" and "good will win." , "Believe that the world is moving towards peace, growth, cooperation and unity", etc.

Wallesa understood the human heart's desire for freedom and peace, which authoritarian governments cannot control.

In this regard, You Xikun also cited the recent "blank paper revolution" in China as evidence.

You Xikun directly pointed out that after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping resumed lifelong tenure, declared that he would not give up force against Taiwan, etc., which made the whole world worry that authoritarian China would lightly start the war.

But You Xikun emphasized that Taiwanese will not be afraid, we are determined to defend our country!

Although Taiwan and Poland are located in two continents, Europe and Asia, each is facing unprecedented severe challenges.

At this time, it is even more necessary to firmly cooperate with each other in order to jointly protect the universal values ​​of freedom, democracy, and human rights, and safeguard global peace, stability and development.

In his speech, An Zou said happily that he was very happy to lead a delegation to visit free and democratic Taiwan. This is his third visit to Taiwan, and some members of the group are visiting Taiwan for the second time, and many of them are visiting for the first time.

He deeply admires Taiwan's economic development, democracy, freedom and emphasis on human rights.

And as Yu Xikun said, Poland and Taiwan do have many similarities, such as history, human rights, and the emphasis on people.

Anzou mentioned that the "Poland Congress Group" has 94 members, which is the second largest among similar organizations in the Polish Congress.

Before that, he also met in Poland with the Taiwan Legislative Yuan "Taiwan Polish Congress Friendship Association".

In July this year, he also met with You Xikun in Warsaw.

Anzou emphasized that they all support Taiwan's international status very much, and many friendly countries in Europe also support Taiwan very much.

He feels very sorry for China's suppression. He and the members of the "Formosa Club" will support Taiwan in the EU.

Anzou expressed the hope that Taiwan and Poland will have more cooperation opportunities in the fields of agriculture, economy and trade, culture, technology, and tourism. When he just met with President Tsai, he also mentioned that he hoped that Taiwan's semiconductor industry could set up factories in Poland.

An Zou also thanked Taiwan for its assistance to Poland at the beginning of the epidemic, so last year they also strongly lobbied the Polish government to provide 400,000 doses of AZ vaccine to Taiwan.

In addition, he also thanked Taiwan for its assistance to Ukraine, because Ukraine's security has a major impact on international peace and security.

He and Polish MPs will also support Taiwan's efforts in democracy and human rights.