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On December 6, we celebrate Nicholas Day.

The holiday is in honor of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker of Mirlikia, who is the patron of the seas, lakes and rivers, of sailors and fishermen, of the family and kindred.

The archetype is a historical figure - Nicholas Miralikiski, born in 270 AD.

in Patara - Lycia, Asia Minor (today Turkey).

Nikola, Nikolay, Nikolina, Nenka, Nino are celebrated on this day.

In addition to sailors and fishermen, bankers and merchants take it as their holiday.

The Eastern Orthodox religious tradition honors him as the patron saint of seafarers.

According to one legend, during a strong sea storm, the saint saved with prayers the sailors of the ship on which he was traveling to the Holy Sepulchre.

According to another, the saint plugged a hole in the ship with a carp and resurrected a sailor who had died after falling from the highest mast.

It is believed that when angry, the saint causes storms and hurricanes.

That is why sailors stay ashore on Nicholas Day.

According to folk beliefs, it is Saint Nicholas who brings the first snow - falling from his long white beard, and most often the white snowy winter arrives precisely after December 6.

Free fish soup for Nicholas Day in Lovech

Traditionally, the whole family gathers at the table during the holiday, and it is not raised for the whole day.

"Varvara cooks, Sava bakes, Nikola comes with the big spoon and entertains guests", says the folk tale.

Carp must be present on the table on Nikulden.

It is also a tradition to put the largest carp scales in the wallet - to bring money throughout the year.

We don't throw the bones away, but bury them in the ground or put them in running water - so that the family will multiply and have prosperity.

Mothers used to use the bone from the carp's head (which looks like a cross) as an amulet, which they sewed into the clothes of young children to protect them from illness.

church holiday

Name Day

christmas day