The holiday in honor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was established in 1993 by a resolution of the Verkhovna Rada.

It is celebrated annually on December 6.

The date was not chosen by chance.

It was on this day in 1991 that the Law of Ukraine "On the Armed Forces of Ukraine" was adopted.

Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: congratulations in your own words and in poems

The poplar and the viburnum greet you,

And the blue lake, and the fragile stream

Happy holiday - Happy Armed Forces Day of Ukraine,

You, soldier, celebrate this holiday with dignity!

Run it proudly, boldly and gloriously,

Run it according to the custom of the Cossack grandfathers,

May the service go victoriously and skillfully

And may God protect him forever and ever!

Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine / Photo:


Dear soldiers, defenders of Ukraine!

I congratulate you on the Armed Forces Day of Ukraine, a professional holiday.

I wish you health and success in the field of service to the Ukrainian people.

Happy holiday to you!

Happy Armed Forces of Ukraine Day / Photo:


May the hand be strong,

May the troops be strong,

May health be like that cry,

May the service always be as appropriate!

Let there be peace, order and peace everywhere!

Be like a fairy-tale hero -

Powerful, invincible, skillful!

From December 6, dear son!

Happy Armed Forces of Ukraine Day / Photo:


On the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, I want to wish from the bottom of my heart strong strength and unbreakable faith, bold ideas and good hopes, confident plans and obligatory luck, unquenchable optimism and excellent performance of all assigned tasks.

Happy Armed Forces of Ukraine Day / Photo:


You defend your native country!

And every mother and every child,

You zealously protect everyone from trouble,

I am very proud of You!

I wish you to know no loss and fatigue,

return home alive and well,

to live without evil, without war, without ruin...

Congratulations on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Happy Armed Forces of Ukraine Day / Photo:


Dear defenders, our dear boys and girls!

Accept sincere congratulations on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

I wish you Cossack courage, grandfatherly dignity, parental wisdom, powerful willpower and faith in your own strength.

Happy Armed Forces of Ukraine Day / Photo:


Warrior, glorious knight,

You hold weapons in your hands, So that the

evil enemy does not attack

our country-state .

Be brave and be worthy of the

glory of your parents,

Brave Ukrainian warrior,

Descendant of glorious ages.

Read also:

  • What church holidays await Ukrainians in December 2022: calendar

  • Holidays in December 2022: calendar of working days and weekends in Ukraine