Students of Nanjing University of Technology in China were dissatisfied with the closure of the school and gathered on the campus to protest on the evening of the 5th.

(The picture is taken from Twitter)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] After the "White Paper Revolution" blossomed everywhere in China, various regions have successively announced the loosening of Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) epidemic prevention measures.

The students of Nanjing University of Technology were dissatisfied with the indefinite closure of the school. Hundreds of people gathered to protest and shouted "go home", demanding that the school "release people" immediately.

According to "Radio Free Asia" report, during the closure period of Nanjing University of Technology, positive cases continued to appear. The school changed its order day and night, saying that it would extend the closure period, and at other times it said that it would resume physical classes. A large number of students gathered on the campus on the evening of the 5th to express their dissatisfaction. Ask the school to "release the people" and let them return to their hometowns on their own.

Several teachers tried to persuade the students to leave, but they were choked, "Your power is given to you by the students, not you." The audience applauded.

In addition, the school announced that if any students have opinions and want to express their opinions, they can come to the "Boya Hall" at 1:30 pm on the 6th. As soon as the voice fell, some students immediately shouted "This is a Hongmen banquet!"

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In fact, although the White Paper Movement has allowed some cities in China to relax anti-epidemic measures, many areas are still in a closed state, fragmented and lack of supporting plans, causing public grievances to continue to burn.

[Nanjing University of Technology student protests broke out]

[Demand to unblock and let people go home] Students of #南京工业大学, because a positive case was found during the closure of #school, students gathered on the 5th to express their dissatisfaction and protest broke out. The students shouted to #回复family and asked the school to release him.

Some teachers tried to negotiate, but the students shouted angrily: "Your power is given to you by the students, not by yourself. Serve the students."

— Radio Free Asia (@RFA_Chinese) December 6, 2022 For related news, please see:

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