The National Science and Technology Council held the second committee meeting and passed the net zero technology plan. It has been planned to use the science and technology budget to support it, of which 11.9 billion yuan will be invested in 112 years to research sustainable and forward-looking energy, low (reduced) carbon, negative carbon, Circulation, humanities and social sciences and other fields.

(Photo by reporter Wu Boxuan)

[Reporter Wu Baixuan/Taipei Report] Faced with the 2050 net zero goal, the National Science Council held its second committee meeting today (5th), and joined hands with the Academia Sinica and various ministries and committees to pass the "Net Zero Technology Plan", which will promote sustainable and forward-looking , low-carbon, negative-carbon and other fields, and more emphasis on social communication before the promotion of science and technology. In 112 years, a science and technology budget of 11.9 billion yuan will be invested. In the future, we hope to build Taiwan into a model country of net-zero technology.

Ye Zheliang, executive secretary of the Science and Technology Office of the National Science Council, said that the net zero technology plan strategy will be invested in five major areas, including sustainable and forward-looking energy, low (reduced) carbon, negative carbon, recycling, humanities and social sciences, etc., and the details include renewable energy , energy storage, hydrogen energy, green transportation, natural carbon sinks, biological cycle, green finance, fair transformation, etc. It is estimated that 11.9 billion yuan will be invested in science and technology in FY2012.

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Ye Zheliang said that in terms of plan strategy, it focuses more on four core points, including "people-oriented" to use the humanistic and social system to guide technological investment, "to make the end" promote the development of the industrial spring life cycle, and "planning for the future" is to invest in high carbon reduction Qianli science and technology development, "Shoulder to Shoulder International" is to cooperate with global index institutions, etc.

Ye Zheliang gave an example, if hydrogen energy is to be implemented, the first priority is social communication, otherwise society will hinder the development of hydrogen energy. He also mentioned that domestic waste recycling needs to be improved. For example, the textile industry has the lowest recycling rate, which is 30% in raw material manufacturing alone. It is leftovers that are discarded, and most of the blended clothes are difficult to use, which needs to be improved through technology; it is also necessary to strengthen the society's new life concept of net zero carbon emissions in order to effectively promote it.

The net-zero technology plan also includes two major analyzes before 2030 and after 2030. Ye Zheliang said that before 2030, the world's first 100 MW (megawatt) level floating offshore wind power plant is planned to be commercially transferred, and the 1 MW level methane Key breakthroughs such as cracking and decarbonization of hydrogen-burning units, and the establishment of key strategic metal material recycling; after 2030, it is planned to promote the total amount of deep geothermal power plants to reach the GW (million watts) level, and expand low-carbon processes and hydrogen energy combustion to help reduce industrial waste. Carbon up to 20 million tons and so on.

Wu Zhengzhong, chairman of the National Science and Technology Council, said that the net zero technology plan is not only about technology and technology itself, but has a lot to do with social communication and environmental changes, and even international geopolitics. , Hydrogen energy deployment will be used in 2040 and 2050, and the society must know hydrogen energy and understand its importance; in addition, deep geothermal heat has caused earthquake doubts, which is the horizontal cracking method of shale oil exploitation in the past, which is completely unsuitable for Taiwan's terrain. The Ministry of Geographical Research Institute provides more information to let the industry know the problem.