Russia will increase its cyber attacks against Ukrainian critical infrastructure and government to disrupt humanitarian and military support.

This opinion was expressed by the general manager of


's digital threat analysis center, Clint Watts.

He is convinced that Russia wants to use the gaps in international support for Ukraine to undermine the coalition's efforts to supply the armed forces with weapons and other aid.

For example, they are trying to shake up the topic of increasing energy prices in European countries.

While Russia's efforts have yet to have a major impact, Moscow will try to intensify this tactic in the future.

Hackers can also attack critical infrastructure, as they did in 20214.

"After the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, IRIDIUM (hacker group, - ed.) launched a series of winter operations against Ukrainian electricity suppliers, cutting off electricity for hundreds of thousands of citizens in 2015 and 2016," the report said.

It will be recalled that it was previously reported that Russian

hackers attacked Vatican websites after the Pope criticized Russia


We also informed that Ukrainian hackers 

hacked Russian cable television and launched an original "greeting" on behalf of the Armed Forces

 of the Russian Federation on the Day of Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Federation.

Read also:

  • Russian hackers send emails with malicious links on behalf of the State Intelligence Service: details

  • Hackers hacked television in the occupied territories of Ukraine and launched a video with Zelensky

  • The Kremlin is preparing cyber attacks on critical infrastructure facilities in Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states - GUR

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