The woman got drunk, vomited and was sent to the hospital. After waking up, she accused the police of excessive law enforcement and injured her, but was slapped in the face by the release of the protective restraint screen.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Xu Lijuan/Kaohsiung Report] A 49-year-old Zhang Jian woman from Kaohsiung last night (2nd) drank and made a noise at the house of a 51-year-old friend surnamed Chen. At the scene, Zhang Jiannv was brought back under protective control, but because the woman kept vomiting at the police station, she was tied up and sent to the hospital. However, Zhang Jiannv complained of redness and swelling in many places on her body afterwards, and accused the police of excessive law enforcement, but the police released the footage and slapped her in the face.

Zhang Jiannv posted many photos of red and swollen body on Facebook, thinking that the police forcefully pressed her neck and chest, and she could not decide which hospital to go to. There was a dispute at a residential house on Shangwu Road in the district. Chen Nan, the owner at the scene, accused Zhang Jiannv of running out of control after drinking and ran to his house to make a scene. He asked the police to help clear it up.

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The police pointed out that during the restraint at the police station, Zhang Jiannv was drunk and vomited continuously. In order to avoid danger, they notified the ambulance personnel to arrive at the scene to release the restraint and send her to the Kaohsiung National Army General Hospital for treatment. The medical staff wanted to prevent Zhang Jiannv from committing suicide. Injury or wounding, so continue to protect the restraint.

Regarding Zhang Jiannv's accusation, the police said that after interviewing the informant, medical staff, and reviewing the evidence of the police's secret recorder, the police enforced protection and control in accordance with Article 19 of the Law on the Exercising of Police Powers. Support colleagues to perform duties in accordance with the law and be brave in enforcing the law.