Xu Shumin's singing voice is loud and penetrating.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Xuanzhe)

[Reporter Zhang Xuanzhe/Taichung Report] Xu Shumin, a 25-year-old student at the Huiming School for the Blind, has a lot of fate. She is born with "multiple visual impairments" and is blind in both eyes. Obtained a license to perform as a street performer in 2010.

Xu Shumin held his first personal concert in the Qingshui service area of ​​the National Highway today, singing 6 songs including Han Hong's "It's Dawn", healing himself with bel canto and encouraging the audience.

Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan was moved by Xu Shumin's singing and made a special trip to attend the concert. Lu Xiuyan couldn't help wiping away tears while listening.

Xu Shumin's father passed away due to liver cirrhosis in 2013, and his mother passed away from kidney failure in 2018. Her sister died with her mother the day after her mother passed away.

Xu Shumin was sent to Huiming School for the Blind when she was 6 years old. She had limited language and cognition since she was a child, and she was depressed and taciturn. But when she was 10 years old, she sang once, which amazed the teachers and students. She was also arranged to join the orchestra for practice and became the lead singer of the orchestra. People are often moved to tears by the singing.

When her father was in the terminal stage of liver cancer, he was invited to school to listen to Xu Shumin's singing. Her father was very pleased.

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Today's concert was held in the square of Qingshui service area. Xindongyang Company, employees of Gaogong Bureau, teachers and students of Huiming School for the Blind, and Xu Shumin's family members, listened to her beautiful voice and heard her life story together.

Lu Xiuyan presented flowers to Xu Shumin in the morning, and the two laughed happily. Lu Xiuyan praised Xu Shumin's singing and gave blessings and encouragement.

Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan (right) presented flowers to Xu Shumin.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Xuanzhe)

Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan (right) was moved by Xu Shumin's singing and couldn't help wiping away tears.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Xuanzhe)