County Magistrate Xu Yaochang (left), accompanied by County Civil Affairs Director Peng Jishan (right), presented a plaque to the county council this morning to congratulate the next county magistrate-elect and county speaker Zhong Dongjin (middle).

(Photo by reporter Peng Jianli)

[Reporter Peng Jianli/Miaoli Report] Miaoli County Mayor Xu Yaochang went to the Miaoli County Council this morning to congratulate the next county magistrate-elect and county speaker Zhong Dongjin with a "Famous and Popular" plaque.

Xu Yaochang urged Zhong Dongjin to "work hard and work for two full terms"; Zhong Dongjin said that he would do his best to repay the support given to him by his fellow villagers, and work hard to make Miaoli County more progressive and prosperous.

Accompanied by Peng Jishan, director of civil affairs of the county government, Xu Yaochang went to the county council to present a plaque to congratulate Zhong Dongjin this morning.

Xu Yaochang said that because the chief executive only serves one term, he only does half of the work, and if he serves two terms, the merits and virtues will be complete.

He also believes that, based on Zhong Dongjin’s experience as a member, deputy speaker, and speaker in the past, and his thorough experience in 18 townships, after taking office as the county magistrate, he will be able to handle politics well and be familiar with people. towards greater prosperity.

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Zhong Dongjin said that he must devote himself to the county government in order to inherit Xu Yaochang's spirit of diligence.

He believes that politics is hard work and hard work. People like Xu Yaochang and legislator Chen Chaoming are his idols and objects of study. Only in this way can he repay the support given to him by his fellow villagers.

Zhong Dongjin also mentioned that before the election, he promised to donate all the ballot subsidy funds for public welfare. He said that the donation ceremony will be held next week, and the political opinions he raised during the campaign will be fulfilled one by one, especially The social welfare check will be done as soon as possible.

For major construction, Zhong Dongjin said that he will still follow Xu Yaochang's footsteps. He believes that no matter who is in power in the central government, the construction of Miaoli County that he promised will definitely be realized.

Moreover, Zhong Dongjin said that Miaoli County has paid a lot for Taiwan in creating taxes, but the central government has given Miaoli less subsidies. Work together with the two legislators and Xu Yaochang to make Miaoli more progressive and prosperous, and the county residents happier.