Red grapes, sweet fruits, slightly astringent on the peel, but delicious.

Contains important substances that provide many benefits,

including resveratrol

Help prevent cancer, heart disease. Saponin substances reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

prevent heart disease

Contains flavonoids

Helps increase good fat levels

And contains polyphenols that help reduce bad fat levels and act as antioxidants.

It also contains anthocyanin substances that help slow down aging.

Controlling the functioning of the nervous system as well

Even red grapes are very useful.

However, if growers use large amounts of pesticides in cultivation and remain in the red grapes,

When we eat it, it can cause harm to the body.

Normally, there are 4 groups of pesticides used in agriculture: organophosphates.


carbamate and pyrethroids

which are very dangerous, vary

Today, the Food Institute sampled 5 fresh red grapes in Bangkok.

To be analyzed for the analysis of 4 groups of pesticide residues, a total of 58 species.

and Prothiofos

in the organophosphate group

Hazardous to the central nervous system

causing dizziness, headache, confusion, drowsiness, restlessness

In severe cases, seizures and loss of consciousness may occur.

and found methomyl

in the carbamate group

It is a substance that affects the nervous system in the short term.

The poisoning was not severe.

Although the amount of all 3 types of pesticides found was not large

but don't be complacent

The best way is to wash thoroughly before eating, for example, wash under running water by soaking in water for 15 minutes and then running under running water.

Or soak in water mixed with 5% vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 4 liters of water), soak for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water for safety.

Thai Rath+Food Institute for food safety project