The "Champion Chess Club" located on Changsha Street in Taipei City was suspected of gambling.

(Photographed by reporter Liu Qinghou)

〔Reporter Liu Qinghou/Taipei Report〕Taipei City Police Wanhua Branch raided the mahjong association within its jurisdiction and arrested 16 male and female gamblers in the "Champion Chess Club" in Ximending. Among them was a 19-year-old boy at a table, The grandpa gambler who was 53 years older than him had a fight with the police. The two failed to decide the winner, and finally sat together in the police station and were prosecuted according to law.

The Wanhua branch of the police received a report a few days ago that the "Champion Chess Club" on Changsha Street provided mahjong for door-to-door entertainment. Although it announced that gambling was strictly prohibited, it could be exchanged for cash in private, suspected of gambling.

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After searching for evidence for several months, the police searched with a search ticket on the 23rd and arrested the 25-year-old woman in charge surnamed Li and 16 gamblers who were divided into 4 tables; one of the gamblers was only 19 years old and was with the 72-year-old grandfather. The high-level gamblers fought in Fangcheng, and the police brought them back for investigation.

During the police call, Li insisted that she was only providing entertainment and competitions, and that exchanging money was a personal act and had nothing to do with the store.

The police seized all kinds of gambling equipment and other evidence.

(Photographed by reporter Liu Qinghou)