How many county councilor-elects involved in election bribery will the Nantou District Prosecutor's Office file an invalidation lawsuit?

The folks in Nantou are very concerned.

(Photo by reporter Xie Jieyu)

[Reporter Xie Jieyu/Nantou Report] The five-in-one election campaign in Nantou County has come to an end. According to the Nantou District Prosecutor’s Office, more than 200 election bribery cases have been reported and are still under investigation. Among them, the election of county councilors is the most popular People from all walks of life are concerned. According to side reports, the election of Nantou county councilors has a total of 8 constituencies. This time, in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th constituencies, candidates and their stakes were involved in buying votes. The parliamentarian-elect involved in the case filed a "complaint for invalid election". In other words, half of the eight constituencies in Nantou County may be in danger of being "replaced".

Before voting in this election, there were bribes and shadows. After the election, how many members of the constituency may be dismissed due to the case and have to be replaced?

It has also become one of the topics that Nantou folks are concerned about after dinner. Some people even joked that it is no wonder that there are only 10 seats for the county council members in the first constituency (Nantou City, Mingjian Township), but this year there are 26 candidates for the election. In this situation, it turned out that they also thought in their hearts that "even if they are not selected, they may still make up"!

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The Nantou County Election Committee stated that, in fact, the rumors in the market may sound like a joke at first glance, but they may indeed become a fact. Generally speaking, it is not easy to replace the "losers" in the county council election, but the last Nantou County councilors in the 1st constituency were dismissed due to cases involving election bribery and corruption. For the first time, there was a new record for a single constituency to be replaced to "losing 3" in the same term. This year, the electorate in the 1st constituency was once again investigated for involvement in buying votes. It is no wonder that the outside world speculates that there is a high probability of replacement in this constituency in the future.

In addition, the 2nd constituency (Caotun Township, Zhongliao Township), the 4th Constituency District (Zhushan Township, Lugu Township) and the 5th Constituency District (Puli Township, Guoxing Township, Renai Township) of Nantou County Councilors, during this election , there are also many candidates who were arrested for bribery, and some were even detained. In addition to showing the problem of corrupt election style, it also means that there may be replacements in these three constituencies. The follow-up development is worth watching .

The Nantou District Prosecutor’s Office pointed out that, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Justice, the agency adheres to the principle and determination of “no bottom line”, “no upper limit” and “no time limit” in bribery investigations. After the election, it will continue to strictly investigate bribery. There is no need to take chances, the Department will definitely file a "suit for invalid election", but how many elected candidates will be involved?

However, further investigation and statistics on relevant cases and evidence are needed to achieve the purpose of correct selection.