Russian propagandists came up with a new fake about "Poland's preparation of a referendum in western Ukraine."

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that this is being done to make Ukrainians and Poles quarrel. 

This was announced by the spokesman of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lukasz Jasina.

The day before, a "document" began to be actively distributed on social networks that Poland is allegedly preparing for a referendum in the western regions of Ukraine regarding the accession of several regions to its composition.

In Poland, they emphasized that this is not true. 

"Information regarding the preparation for the referendum on the annexation of the western regions of Ukraine to Poland is disinformation and another attempt to inflame disputes between Poland and Ukraine. The photo that was supposed to confirm these theses was a fake, and the document presented on it is not true," Yasina wrote. 

Wpisy, dot.

przygotowań do referendum nt.

the annexation of Polski zachodnich regionsów Ukrainy to ‼️ dezinformatcja ‼️ i kolejna próba zniecenia sproów między i

Fotografia mająca potwierdzić te tezy zola sfałszowana, a przedstawiony na niej dokument jest nieprawdziwy

— Łukasz Jasina (@RzecznikMSZ) November 28, 2022

Russian dreams of "referendums in western Ukraine"

From February 24, Russia dreams that the western regions will want to leave Ukraine.

Fakes about the "attack of the Polish army on Lviv" and "battles in the suburbs of Lviv" are regularly spread there. 

Earlier, the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Patrushev, even stated that "Poland will try to annex the western regions of Ukraine."

According to him, "partners of the Kyiv regime" are not against taking advantage of the current situation for their own interests and have "special plans for Ukrainian lands". 

Read also:

  • In Poland, they declared a high probability of war with their participation

  • They wanted to make money from Ukrainians: in Poland, a company was exposed for million-dollar facilities with the accommodation of refugees

  • The Polish Prime Minister again called on Germany to hand over the Patriot air defense system to Ukraine