In response to the white paper revolution, Hu Xijin posted an article blaming foreign forces, which was bombarded by Chinese netizens.

(Reposted from Hu Xijin Weibo)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] The wave of "blank paper revolution" is spreading rapidly, and protests have occurred in various parts of China.

Regarding this, Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of the CCP’s mouthpiece Global Times, even claimed that the recent demonstrations were affected by “external factors” and also emphasized that “China’s anti-epidemic route will not change”, attracting many Chinese netizens. boom.

In response to the protests that have occurred across China in recent days, Hu Xijin declared on Weibo on the 28th, "Our country is very strong, and everyone should be very clear about it. Is it? Some things have happened in the past two days. I would like to say that there should be some influence from factors outside the scene. Those external factors hope that China will be chaotic. If they have the opportunity, they will not try to get involved in it. "

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He went on to say: "We need to understand that these external factors exist all the year round. They are constants. Even when Sino-Western relations are relatively good, those factors never leave. The difference is that internal factors are variables, and such variables are more likely to determine When things surfaced, how fast they can spread, etc. In other words, external factors need to find internal factors to stir up trouble in order to achieve their intentions.” The full text logically attributes the wave of protests in recent days to the so-called “foreign forces” in the CCP’s mouth .

Hu Xijin issued another article today (29th) emphasizing, "China's epidemic prevention route will not change. Its general policy is to protect people's lives and health to the greatest extent. How can this change? Any adjustment of specific prevention and control strategies is regarded as " Letting go” and “laying down” are all wrong. This kind of propaganda will only create confusion and confrontation.” He also said, “Do whatever you want, for the good of the people and the good of the country. I think this is what we fight against the true purpose of the epidemic."

Hu Xijin’s remarks immediately sparked heated discussions. Aside from the support of the little pink, many Chinese netizens were choking on the bottom, bombarding the comment with even more likes than Hu Xijin’s original post. Critics bluntly said, “The voice of the people should be heard!” , "Thanks to foreign forces, we can see things that we can't normally see", "We blame foreign hostile forces for everything, and shirk responsibility when encountering problems", "As a journalist, you don't pursue freedom of the press, you don't pursue facts the truth", "Let's figure out who the real people are first!"

In response to the white paper revolution, Hu Xijin posted an article blaming foreign forces, which was bombarded by Chinese netizens.

(Reposted from Hu Xijin Weibo)