Xu Fuming (left), the chairman of the Kaohsiung City Party Committee of the Kuomintang, and Cao Huanrong (right), the deputy chairman, believe that the basic energy of the blue camp this time has been supported.

(Photo by reporter Ge Youhao)

[Reporter Ge Youhao/Kaohsiung Report] The KMT won 29 seats in the election of Kaohsiung City Councilors. The city party department thinks it is not satisfactory, but the basic energy of the blue camp is supported, which will help the 2024 general election!

The number of seats in the Kaohsiung City Council was reduced to 65. This time, the Kuomintang won 29 seats and the DPP won 27 seats. Xu Fuming, chairman of the Kaohsiung City Party Committee, thought it was "not satisfactory". He originally estimated that the best result was 30 seats, with 2 It is a pity that Zhang Weiqing and Tong Yanzhen, who might be elected, were not saved!

Ke Zhien also played the role of the hen leading the chicks. In the last few days, he swept the streets to ask for votes and gave a few important speeches, which inspired the morale of the blue camp's basic base and added points to the votes of the congressmen.

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Xu Fuming believed that Ke Zhien's defeat was glorious, and he also called out to the Party Central Committee that the future mayor candidate should be decided early, take root in the local area early, and integrate with local forces, the chances of winning the election will be greater.

Cao Huanrong, deputy chairman of the Kuomintang Municipal Party Committee, said that due to the low turnout rate and the reduction of air votes this time, returning to the local area to manage and organize votes, almost all the votes for the blue camp members were successfully issued this time. With Ke Zhien's efforts, at least Hold on to what you deserve.

As for the mayor, he believes that because of the low turnout rate, the basic situation of the blue camp has been opened, and the gap against Chen Qimai is not as big as the gap in the polls. Candidates and the presidential election must have at least a certain level of foundation.”

However, Cao Huanrong also reminded that the blue camp still has to take every step. After all, this time because of the overall decline in turnout, the future presidential election may return to more than 70% of the normal track, with a gap of 15% to 20%.

In addition, regarding the election of nine non-party or third-party MPs this time, which will determine the speaker candidate, the outside world believes that the situation is beneficial to the DPP, while Xu Fuming has a different view.

Xu Fuming said that Pan-Green is more confident about 5 seats, including Huang Jie, Zhang Boyang, Wu Mingci, Fan Zhiqin, Gao Zhongde, and the Democratic Progressive Party has 27 seats and only 32 seats, which is not more than half; the other 4 seats are Zhu Xinqiang, Li Shunjin, Chen Shanhui, Chen Xingfu has experience in cooperating with the Kuomintang in the past, so Pan-Green may not be able to grasp it. If these 4 seats can support the Kuomintang, it is possible to get more than half of the 33 seats.