Yang Wenke, the candidate for Hsinchu County Mayor of the Kuomintang, announced his re-election success after winning more than 130,000 votes tonight.

(Photo by reporter Huang Meizhu)

[Reporter Huang Meizhu/Hsinchu Report] Hsinchu County Mayor Election Results Announced, KMT Member Yang Wenke Wins Reelection!

At 7 o'clock in the evening, after confirming that the number of votes exceeded 130,000, he announced his election at the Hsinchu County Party Headquarters of the Kuomintang, accompanied by Qiu Jingchun, the former Hsinchu County Mayor and the deputy chairman of its campaign headquarters, and then turned to the vote counting site to follow Hundreds of supportive folks present expressed their thanks in person.

Yang Wenke said that he was very happy to be re-elected with high votes from his fellow villagers, and felt that this was the beginning of taking responsibility. He would keep his promises to the folks.

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He said that he was able to be re-elected with a high number of votes. In addition to thanking the folks for their support, he would like to thank the campaign headquarters chairman Fan Zhenzong, deputy chairman Qiu Jingchun, Ye Fangxiong and Xu Xinying for their blessings, and also thank the county party committee chairman Chen Jianxian for his strategic planning. He maximized the votes in Hsinchu County.

In addition, he also thanked the county government team for working hard with him in the past 4 years, and won the affirmation of the "Investment King" and other triple crowns from the outside world.

Because his political achievements are recognized by the villagers, votes will come naturally. He believes that this is the key reason why he can get so many votes.

After he was elected, he will go to work on Monday and use the fastest speed to review the work of the past four years, continue to promote the policies that have been carried out, and formulate work strategies and guidelines for the next four years to benefit the folks in Hsinchu County and make Hsinchu County go down. A 4 year could be better.

Yang Wenke, the candidate for Hsinchu county magistrate of the Kuomintang, announced his re-election to his supporters earlier this evening and thanked him.

(Photo by reporter Huang Meizhu)

Hsinchu County Mayor Yang Wenke (middle), who was successfully re-elected, was congratulated by hundreds of supporters.

(Photo by reporter Huang Meizhu)