Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai was re-elected with high votes. At 7:55 p.m., he appeared at the campaign headquarters to thank the citizens.

(Photo by reporter Li Huizhou)

[Reporters Wang Rongxiang, Li Huizhou/Kaohsiung Report] Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai was re-elected with more than 750,000 votes, but he was worried about the disastrous results of the DPP election in Taiwan. After the election, he thanked the citizens and the team and emphasized that he would do it for 4 years. Propagating that Chairman Tsai should continue to take the responsibility of leading the reform of the DPP, review if he loses, and win back the trust of the people.

Chen Qimai said that regarding the election results, first of all, he would like to thank all the citizens for giving him another 4 years. He can have the opportunity to fight with the citizens for another 4 years for the great city of Kaohsiung. of Kaohsiung.

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He mentioned that the election process is very intense, but after the end is the beginning of unity, and revealed that not long ago, he and Committee Member Ke called each other to congratulate and encourage each other. I hope Kaohsiung will feel the same better, and I sincerely thank Commissioner Ke for fighting for the gentleman in this election.

He pointed out that after the election campaign, the political opinions of Commissioner Ke and his opponents will be listed as important references for future governance. He especially thanked Commissioner Ke for his criticism and advice in the past few months.

Chen Qimai changed the subject, emphasizing that during the two-year struggle and four-year period, Taiwan will face severe challenges. Regardless of Sino-US trade, East Asian geopolitics, and changes in the overall political and economic situation, he feels that the DPP election is not ideal and the election is not good. We need to listen more humbly to public opinion, understand whether we have not done enough in the process and are worthy of review, and we should face the election results honestly.

He further expressed that in the past two years, Kaohsiung would like to thank President Cai and Dean Su for their strong support from the central government in major transportation construction, long-term care, social welfare, education, and industrial transformation.

Chen Qimai said that due to the overall international political and economic changes, Taiwan is facing severe challenges inside and outside. He believes that President Tsai should stabilize the political situation in the overall political situation. Although the election is not ideal, the party must reform and review. I hope that President Tsai and Chairman Tsai will continue Take responsibility for leading the reform of the Democratic Progressive Party.

He believes that if you lose the election, you will have to face a review, but there will be many by-elections to come, as well as future political party-related reforms, as well as regaining the trust of the people and making the next election better. Elections will further win back the trust of the people.

Chen Chi-mai emphasized that only when the cabinet is stable can the political situation be stable. President Tsai and Dean Su maintained 50% satisfaction in several polls. In the future, efforts should be made to deepen economic, industrial, or social welfare reforms, so as to continue to make Taiwan progress in all aspects .

He believes that the DPP is a very important local political party in Taiwan. It has won and lost in the central and local elections in the past few years, but he should think about how to regain the trust of the people. As the mayor of the DPP, he will be more humble in the next four years Listen to public opinion, regardless of blue or green, and serve the citizens of Kaohsiung with all our strength.

Chen Chi-mai also mentioned that the turnout rate was low. As a candidate, he should review what he did not do well in the process. There are many political offenses and defenses in the election. Perhaps the people will think that "people's life" is the most important. Taiwan's election culture is accumulated step by step. Every election , It is a study for the whole party and candidates.

Chen Qimai said that tomorrow he will sweep the streets all day to thank voters, and he will officially resume work on Monday.

Taking the results of the DPP election seriously, Chen Qimai urged Chairman Cai to continue to take responsibility for leading reforms.

(Photo by reporter Li Huizhou)

Chen Qimai was re-elected and bowed deeply to all citizens.

(Photo by reporter Li Huizhou)