People in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, walked on the dark street on the 24th.

(European News Agency)

[Compiler Guan Shuping/Comprehensive Report] Ukraine’s power supply has been severely damaged due to Russia’s deliberate attack on energy facilities. It is winter and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is rarely angry. He criticized the slow recovery of power supply and even secretly criticized the capital Kyiv. Mayor Vitali Klitschko did not do enough to open emergency shelters to keep people safe through the winter.

The Ukrainian National Energy Company (Ukrenergo) stated late at night on the 25th that there was still a 30% gap in power supply; President Zelensky said in a speech on the evening of the 25th that more than 6 million households across the country were still affected by power outages and criticized the restoration of power supply The speed is slow, especially in the capital Kyiv. "Many citizens of Kiev have been without electricity for more than 20 or even 30 hours." He expects the mayor's office to produce good results.

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Although Zelensky did not name him, his remarks were widely interpreted as a rare public criticism of Mayor Klitschko.

Klitschko reported a few days ago that 400 cold shelters have been set up to provide water, electricity, emergency ambulance and Internet to the public.

However, Zelensky said in the conversation that he believed that the number of cold shelters provided by the Kyiv city government for 3 million residents was still insufficient, which annoyed him. "Kyiv residents need more protection."

Kherson City in southern Uzbekistan, which had no water or electricity when it was liberated on the 11th, finally restored power on the 26th. Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy director of the President's Office, said on the 26th, "We are first supplying power to the city's key infrastructure. facility, which will then be immediately supplied to home users".

On the 25th, European Commissioner Von der Leyen had a telephone conversation with Zelensky, saying that the EU will strengthen assistance to Ukraine to repair and maintain the power and heating systems, including providing hundreds of medium-sized transformers and large-capacity generators.