Voting ended and ballot counting began. Taipei mayoral candidate Jiang Wanan led the way, and the atmosphere at the headquarters was high.

(Photographed by reporter Fang Bin)

[Reporter Yang Xinhui/Taipei Report] The election will begin at 4 o'clock. The KMT Taipei mayoral candidate Jiang Wanan gathered more than 400 supporters at the campaign headquarters. Currently Jiang Wanan is temporarily leading. The supporters at the scene were impassioned, desperately waving Jiang Wanan's flag and shouting: "Jiang Wan'an frozen garlic!", Jiang Wanan's support president shouted when he was speaking on stage: "Jiang Wan'an won!", "We won", "We won back to Taipei!"

According to statistics from the Taipei City Election Commission, the total turnout rate in Taipei City is about 64%, which is slightly lower than the 65.97% turnout rate for the mayor of Taipei in 2018.

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Niu Zexun, director of the Advertising Department of Cultural University, analyzed on-site at the Jiang Wanan campaign headquarters that the low turnout rate was due to the fact that the diagnosis was unable to vote, and some people may not have voted because they were worried about the diagnosis, and some people may have been expelled from Taiwan because of the epidemic. , The turnout rate will affect the election situation. The DPP supporters are highly loyal, and there are many blue army economic voters and independent voters.

Niu Zexun said that the DPP has lost many young supporters over the past year, including Lin Zhijian's proposals and the promotion of the digital intermediary law. However, after a few days of building momentum and sweeping the streets, Huang Shanshan’s popularity is not as good as that of the blue and green opponents. "Current policy" effect occurs.

Jiang Wanan's campaign headquarters gathered more than 400 supporters. Currently, Jiang Wanan is temporarily leading, and the supporters on the scene are impassioned.

(Photo by reporter Yang Xinhui)