Qiu Aishan was elected with the highest number of votes, and she couldn't help crying with her husband during the live broadcast.

(Provided by President Qiu Aishan)

[Reporter Ou Sumei/Taichung Report] Nine-in-one election counting, 150 polling stations in the fourth constituency of Taichung City (Fengyuan, Houli), all vote counting was completed after 8 o'clock, the KMT newcomer Qiu Aishan, and the non-party city councilor Chao Kun did their best With the support, he was elected as a city councilor with the highest number of votes of 16,177. In the evening, he broadcast live at the campaign headquarters and set off fireworks with all supporters to celebrate.

When Qiu Aishan learned that she was elected, she was the first to thank Mayor Lu Xiuyan, because of the achievements of a gentle woman in power, so that everyone can agree to use the power of gentle protection to promote construction and take care of the village. Congratulations to Mayor Lu for her re-election.

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Qiu Aishan broke down in tears several times during the live broadcast. She told everyone that from 0 to now, although various events along the way have tested us, "But every time I hear your cheers and see your expectant eyes, I know that I must Can not give up."

Qiu Aishan said that this time has carried too many expectations from the folks, and the responsibility will be greater and greater. This is not her personal victory, but the victory of the Houli and Fengyuan people. I hope everyone will work together to create miracles.

Qiu Aishan said that she is a newcomer, and she has stumbled along the way. If there is something she can't do well in the future, please continue to give encouragement and guidance to her fellow villagers. She also said that she can finally tell her children that "those who work hard will be recognized."

Qiu Aishan was elected as the city councilor of the fourth constituency of Taichung City with the highest number of votes.

(Provided by President Qiu Aishan)