[Reporter Tong Zhenguo/Report from Nantou] The results of the election of Nantou county councilors have been released. The list of elected members in each constituency is as follows:

First Constituency:

Hong Mingke (male) has no party membership

Lin Yiru (female) KMT

Shen Suzheng (female) Democratic Progressive Party

Zhang Wanci (female) has no party membership

Cai Zongzhi (male) has no party membership

Jian Qianxiang (male) People's Party

Wu Qinan (male) Democratic Progressive Party

Song Huailin (female) KMT

Zeng Zhenyan (male) has no party membership

Lin Ruyang (male) KMT

Second Constituency:

Liao Ziyou (female) Democratic Progressive Party

Li Zhouzhong (male) KMT

Jian Cisheng (male) has no party membership

Zhuang Shijie (male) has no party membership

Lin Youyou (female) has no party membership

Tang Xiaofen (female) KMT

Cai Mingxuan (male) Democratic Progressive Party

Jian Junting (male) has no party membership

Third Constituency:

Huang Chunlin (male) has no party membership

Wang Qiushu (female) Democratic Progressive Party

Xie Mingmou (male) KMT

Chen Shuhui (female) KMT

Fourth Constituency:

Cai Meng'e (female) has no party membership

Wu Ruifang (female) has no party membership

You Hao (male) KMT

Chen Yuling (female) Democratic Progressive Party

He Shengfeng (male) has no party membership

Fifth constituency:

Chen Yijun (female) Democratic Progressive Party

Wu Guochang (male) has no party membership

Dai Shiquan (male) has no party membership

Lin Fangyi (female) KMT

Huang Shifang (male) KMT

Pan Yiquan (male) KMT

Su Yucheng (male) Democratic Progressive Party

Sixth Constituency: (Platlands Aboriginal)

Shi Qinglong (male) has no party membership

Seventh Constituency: (Mountain Aboriginal)

Full text talent (male) KMT

Eighth Constituency: (Mountain Aboriginal)

Lin Tingli (female) KMT