Supervisor Chen Ju (second from left) was accompanied by legislators Lai Ruilong (first from left) and Li Kunze to vote at Wufu National High School this morning.

(Photo by reporter Fang Zhixian)

[Reporter Fang Zhixian/Kaohsiung Report] Former Kaohsiung Mayor and current Superintendent Chen Ju returned to Kaohsiung to vote this morning. She said that the Supervisory Yuan must be administratively neutral, and there was no election occasion from the beginning to the end. Chen Ju said that public health and human rights protection are both important, and the government should explain the balance between the two.

Chen Ju was accompanied by legislators Lai Ruilong and Li Kunze to vote at the Wufu National High School this morning. She said that her household registration has been in Kaohsiung for a long time, and she should come back to vote. The weather is fine today and I am in a good mood. Please vote enthusiastically.

She also asked everyone to support the 18-year-old citizenship referendum. This is very important, because the younger generation is our future, so please come out and vote for it.

Please read on...

As for not returning to Kaohsiung to help stand during the election campaign, Chen Ju said that because the Overwatch Council must be administratively neutral, she cares about Kaohsiung and the elections of every county and city in Taiwan, but she must maintain administrative neutrality. , bless every outstanding person, she did not appear in any election occasions from the beginning to the end, and she cared silently.

Regarding the inability of the diagnosed to vote, Chen Ju said that there was a human rights forum yesterday, and the Taiwan Human Rights Promotion Association had a lot of criticisms about the inability of the diagnosed to vote. She also expressed her opinion at the forum meeting. She believes that public health is the public interest, which is very important. , but personal human rights protection is also very important. If the election committee can respond early, or if there are any legal regulations or difficulties that cannot be implemented, the response should be explained to the public.

Chen Ju emphasized that she has always told the truth, and maybe the National Election Committee will respond, but the Taiwan Human Rights Promotion Association publicly expressed its opinions in international forums, and she told them that it is the government's responsibility to protect the interests of public health, but considering Individual human rights are also very important, where is the balance between the two?

It should also be explained.

Superintendent Chen Ju went to vote in Wufuguo High School this morning.

(Photo by reporter Fang Zhixian)