Ticketing at Tianyuli, Shilin District, Taipei City.

(Photo by reporter Cai Yahua)

[Reporter Cai Yahua/Taipei Report] Tianyuli, Shilin District, Taipei City, known as "Election Squidward Brother", has a similar proportion of votes in the district as compared with the results of previous elections. Inaccurately, Tianyu Rio finished voting around 6:45, and the turnout rate was about 65%. KMT candidate Jiang Wanan ranked first with 1,873 votes, DPP Chen Shizhong won 1,561 votes, and non-party candidate Huang Shanshan won. 1070 votes.

The voting ended successfully at 4:00 p.m., and the election staff immediately turned the polling station into a counting station. At present, the counting of votes is in progress. The candidates for mayor are in the process of counting votes. The KMT candidate Jiang Wan'an is temporarily leading, the Democratic Progressive Party candidate Chen Shizhong, and the non-party candidate Huang Shanshan voted against each other.

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According to statistics from the Taipei City Election Commission, the number of candidates for election in Tianyuli was 6,826. The mayor of the district, Pan Jinxiong, pointed out that due to the impact of the epidemic, this year's election was relatively quiet. The balloting was completed around 6:45, and the number of voters was 4,504, with a turnout rate of about 65%.