Democratic Progressive Party candidate for mayor of Taipei Chen Shih-chung (middle) and his wife Sun Wanling (right) braved the rain until the end of the night party before the election tonight, and President Tsai Ing-wen was also drenched.

(Photo by reporter Liu Xinde)

[Reporter Wu Liangyi/Taipei Report] Tomorrow is the polling day for the Mayor Election of Jiuheyi County. Chen Shih-chung, the mayor candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party in Taipei, held a pre-election night event this evening. President Tsai Ing-wen said in his final speech that Taiwan has faced many challenges in the past two years. , The epidemic is the biggest test, but Chen Shizhong has stabilized the epidemic, "Every time he calls me late at night, I always think of the sentence "The years are quiet because someone is carrying the burden for you." Chen Shizhong is that person."

Tsai Ing-wen said that the whole world is facing the challenge of the epidemic, and Taiwan has also been impacted, but Chen Shizhong has stabilized the epidemic in Taiwan, allowing us to develop the economy steadily, and we have survived together without being knocked down. One complaint, many supporters are unwilling to be reconciled to other political parties' smearing, harming and consuming deceased compatriots, and also obliterating the achievements of the people of Taiwan in epidemic prevention."

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Tsai Ing-wen said that she saw that Chen Shizhong was attacked by his opponent at the debate, but he did not defend himself, and apologized to the hurt businesses, saying that as a commander, "it is right to scold him." He is warm, capable, and responsible. , the capital needs to embrace the whole world with open arms, and what the capital needs is someone who tolerates each other, and that person is Chen Shizhong.

Tsai Ing-wen said that in this election, I saw that many candidates ran not to take care of the people, but for the interests of their families and themselves. The intertwined interests of those black gold factions can only be broken by ballots; In the face of strong external forces, China's authoritarian expansion has made Taiwan unable to relax every day, and every vote is related to the future.

Tsai Ing-wen said that the Kuomintang and Ke Wenzhe were given opportunities in the past, "Chen Shizhong will work hard to make Taipei City more progressive in the future."

DPP Taipei mayoral candidate Chen Shizhong braved the rain to build momentum on the eve of the election, while Tsai Ing-wen, Su Zhenchang, and Chen Chien-jen stood out in the rain.

(Photo by reporter Liu Xinde)