Satellite images have been published showing the darkness in Ukraine after the massive missile strikes on infrastructure that Russia carried out on November 23. 

This is reported by Sky News.

The published photos show how most of the territory of Ukraine was in darkness on the night of November 24.

"These gray satellite images shared by NASA show darkness over most of Ukraine during the night. Power supply is slowly being restored in some parts of the country today," the publication said.

Photo: NASA

Photo: NASA

It will be recalled that DTEK was informed on November 24 that electricity supply to all critical infrastructure facilities in Ukraine has been restored: hospitals, water utilities.

Now there is a gradual connection of household consumers.

At the same time, as of this morning, more than 3,700 "Points of Invincibility" have already been deployed in Ukraine, where you can warm up and recharge your devices.

Note that the Kyiv authorities are preparing for a blackout that may occur as a result of Russian attacks.

There, residents of the capital were urged to be prepared just in case for the worst and to have supplies of technical and drinking water, food, and warm things at home.

Read also:

  • Electricity has been partially restored in Kyiv, but emergency restrictions are in effect in the city

  • Lack of communication in Ukraine: Fedorov told in which regions it was already possible to establish a network

  • Will the price of electricity in Ukraine change due to Russia's massive attacks — the supplier's answer

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