The Council of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education launched a nutritious lunch for primary and secondary schools, "Banban Eats Grouper".

(File photo, photo by reporter Huang Xulei)

[Reporter Huang Xulei/Kaohsiung Report] The Council of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education's plan to "eat grouper in class" reported that the supply was insufficient. Suppliers from Yong'an and Xingda Port in Kaohsiung City pointed out that the meat of Taiwan's dragon and tiger grouper is delicious, and Hong Kong has recently sold it frequently. If the order is higher than the government's bid, it may affect the school's supply.

Guo Zhanhao, director-general of the Fishermen's Association of Xingda Port District, Kaohsiung City, said that the policy of the Council of Agriculture has successfully saved the price of fish, allowing manufacturers to reduce the pressure of China's ban on importing stocks. This semester, the supply to schools in Taoyuan City, the delicious meat of the dragon and tiger is widely welcomed by teachers and students , Many campuses place repeated orders, and there is no way to eat a round every class.

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In addition to the delicious fish and meat, group meals and ingredients suppliers placed repeated orders; suppliers broke the news that Hong Kong has recently been harvesting fish (ordering containers), and the export price is relatively high, and manufacturers' efforts to export have affected campus supply.

In July this year, the Executive Yuan allocated 600 million yuan to launch the "Eating Grouper in Classes" program this semester, so that elementary and middle school students can eat grouper at least 4 times for nutritious lunches. From March 21st, Zhang Zhisheng, director of Fisheries, Dai Shufen, deputy director of the National Education Bureau, and others accompanied teachers and students to taste fresh steamed dragon tiger spot.

The breeding industry pointed out that China unilaterally banned the import of grouper in June this year. At that time, the price of dragon and tiger class was less than NT$100 per catty. Yuan.

The gentian grouper and the dragon-tiger group have many thorns. The processing factory needs to hire more workers to remove the head and thorns.

Guo Zhanhao emphasized that he is very sure that the government will stabilize the price so that the cold chain supply chain will not be cut off. He also hopes to improve the situation of repeated orders on campus so that students in all schools can eat high-quality domestic dragon and tiger classes.

The Council of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education launched a nutritious lunch for primary and secondary schools called "Banban Eats Grouper", and students from Qianfeng Junior High School in Kaohsiung City tasted a nutritious lunch of dragon and tiger grouper.

(File photo, photo by reporter Huang Xulei)

Dragon tabby is quite laborious to deal with.

(Photo by reporter Huang Xulei)