Chen Shih-chung, the Democratic Progressive Party's candidate for mayor of Taipei, was accompanied by former Vice President Chen Chien-jen yesterday and launched a three-day motorcade to sweep the streets.

(Photo by reporter Zhu Peixiong)

[Reporter He Yuhua/Taipei Report] Seventy-two hours into the countdown to the Nine-in-One Election, Chen Shih-chung, the candidate for the mayor of Taipei from the Democratic Progressive Party, launched a three-day street-sweeping motorcade in the twelve districts yesterday.

Regarding the last juncture of the election campaign, the issue of insurance abandonment may be fermented. Chen Shizhong appealed that democratic politics has matured, and the citizens of Taipei have a discerning vision. He hopes that everyone can be the master of their own souls and vote for the candidates in their hearts.

Chen Shizhong's street sweeping convoy departed from Beitou yesterday, detoured to Shilin, and then arrived in Datong and Zhongshan in the afternoon. "Concentrated votes" allowed Chen Shizhong to be elected.

Lai said that the victorious motorcade is about to sail happily. Taipei City represents the country to the outside world and is also an important force driving Taiwan's development. The person with such conditions is Chen Shizhong, he must be the new good mayor in the future.

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Former vice president Chen Jianren, who is also the chairman of the campaign, said before departure that when Chen Shizhong announced his candidacy at the Xiahai Town God's Temple, he thought that he had served as the commander of SARS in 2003, and he deeply understood the loneliness and responsibility of a commander. Da Ren's mood, I hope everyone will support Chen Shizhong so that he will not be lonely; for more than 100 days, Chen Shizhong is no longer lonely. On Sunday, "Taipei and Walk for Love" reached as many as 150,000 people.

Chen Shih-chung is good at communication and coordination. He led Taiwan through the century-old epidemic and put forward more than 200 political opinions. Such a good mayor who can work with everyone and is willing to work hard is what the citizens of Taipei need most.

Regarding the last juncture of the election campaign, the issue of insurance abandonment may be fermented. Chen Shizhong did not rule out the possibility that someone may manipulate the election, but he emphasized that democratic politics has matured, and Taipei has gone through many elections. The master of the soul, vote for the candidate in your heart.

Chen Shizhong said that the first-investors are the youngest group, and the future of the country as a whole and the development of the city have the greatest impact on them.

He said that the blueprint for municipal governance, the meritocracy of people, makes the country progress, wins support with love and tolerance, and does not create confrontation.

During the election process, it is inevitable to criticize and advise each other, but don't use tearing, hatred and confrontation to conduct elections. I hope that the citizens will stand up to cheer him up, and I also hope that young people will come out to vote enthusiastically.