Gao Hong'an's controversy continues to explode and he opposes children's medical care?

Shen Huihong, candidate for the mayor of Hsinchu City of the Democratic Progressive Party, said: Highly anti-medical and anti-construction have surpassed human nature.

(Photo by reporter Hong Meixiu)

[Reporter Hong Meixiu/Hsinchu Report] Shen Huihong, a candidate for the mayor of Hsinchu from the Democratic Progressive Party, was interviewed by the media today (22nd), and she continued to dispute the people's party Gao Hong'an, but still opposed children's medical care?

Shen Huihong said that the children's hospital is the achievement of her joint efforts with former mayor Lin Zhijian and the city government team. It has brought important medical construction to take care of 300,000 children from bamboo and bamboo seedlings. The construction of medical treatment should be used as a tool to smear. Anti-medical treatment and anti-construction have surpassed human nature.

Regarding Gao Hongan’s team’s denial of discrediting the children’s hospital, Shen Huihong said that Li Guozhang, a member of the People’s Party, pointed out that the children’s hospital was a fraud on November 19 at Gao Hongan’s campaign. , but also Gao Hongan's fig leaf.

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In response to the Kuomintang deputy speaker Yu Bangyan's post yesterday to support Gao Hong'an, are you worried about the impact on the election?

Shen Huihong said that Yu Bangyan used to be a non-party member. He joined the KMT in order to fight for the election of the chairman and deputy speaker. From his past political calculations and the actions of abandoning his original supporters this time, it can be seen that this is only a matter of political interests. Exchange and combine.

Shen Huihong emphasized that she firmly believes in the wisdom of Hsinchu voters and will not be manipulated, let alone allow the sacred votes in her hands to be used as political bargaining chips for a few people. Such an anti-democratic approach by the opponent will only make voters more spurned.

Shen Huihong responded to the Internet celebrity Four-pronged Cat and Lin Guannian, the former executive director of the Hsinchu County Party Headquarters of the People's Party, who kept breaking the news about Gao Hong'an's office of the Legislative Council's sex case, hiding from reporters, asking the NCC to handle the media, and putting a seal on Coca-Cola. It can be seen that Gao Hongan has a lot of management problems in the office, and even a sex crime broke out. "There are so many disputes in an office with more than 10 people. I think it is difficult to be a big head of the city."