The Tainan Mutton Festival was held in Longqi District, and people lined up to taste mutton soup.

(Photo by reporter Liu Wanjun)

[Reporter Liu Wanjun/Tainan Report] The weather is getting cooler, and it is also the peak season for people to eat. The "Tainan Mutton Festival" was held in front of the bamboo charcoal story in Longqi District today. Free samples of domestic mutton dishes and herbal mutton soup were prepared on the spot, attracting a large number of people queuing up to taste.

According to statistics in 2021, there are about 220 sheep raising households in Tainan City, with 22,000 head, including 182 mutton sheep households with 12,200 head, and 40 dairy sheep households with 9,160 head. The total number of sheep raised ranks first in the country.

In order to promote the high-quality domestic mutton in Tainan, the Bureau of Agriculture and the Ryugasaki District Farmers Association jointly held the Tainan Mutton Festival in conjunction with the local livestock farm and the farmer's association Tian Mama Restaurant. collect wind.

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The on-site activities included the viewing and feeding area for Nubian sheep provided by local livestock farms, a show of high-quality domestic mutton dishes, and the promotion and tasting of domestic mutton dishes and herbal mutton soup at Tian Mama Restaurant of the Farmers Association. People queued up to taste the delicious herbal mutton soup.

According to the organizer, mutton is warm in nature, nourishing qi and nourishing yin, rich in high protein, low fat, low cholesterol and rich in collagen. Mutton with skin and warming mutton soup are the best warming products for many Tainan people in winter .

In particular, Tainan is one of the top mutton sheep breeding bases in the country. Through local sales, the domestic warm-body mutton that is slaughtered on the same day is fresh, the meat is springy, and has no smell, which is more advantageous than imported mutton.

The Tainan Mutton Festival was held in Longqi District, and people lined up to taste mutton soup.

(Photo by reporter Liu Wanjun)