The identification cards and job name tags of the administrative personnel of the Aboriginal Association all have the ethnic language names marked on them, forming a juxtaposition of Chinese and ethnic language names.

(Photo by reporter Yang Mianjie)

[Reporter Yang Mianjie/Taipei Report] Leading the nation's administrative agencies!

In order to implement the national language policy, the aborigines will produce administrative staff identification cards and job name tags in the ethnic language, which made their debut today, allowing employees to show their ethnic names in their own language.

In addition, all office spaces are marked with Chinese and ethnic languages ​​side by side, and all 16 ethnic languages ​​are used to create an ethnic-friendly environment and encourage other public agencies to follow up.

Icyang Parod, chairperson of the Aboriginal Association, said that in the Indigenous Language Development Law passed in 2017, there are many contents on the implementation of the revitalization of the indigenous language, and the second article mentions , the languages ​​of the aborigines and the currently spoken Chinese, Mandarin, Hakka, Hokkien, etc. are all national languages.

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The relevant provisions also mentioned that a friendly ethnic language environment should be created, that is, the written characters of the aboriginal people should be used in public places. Begin to use the Roman alphabet as the writing system, which is the aboriginal script.

Now that there are characters, I further hope to lead the administrative organs of the indigenous peoples to create an environment for the ethnic groups.

The barbarian general Icyang said that the aborigines association took the lead in aboriginal administrations across the country to change the title badges of every employee from the original Chinese and English names to the aboriginal names of their ethnicity. The way of presentation is changed to use Chinese and ethnic languages ​​side by side.

Not only that, the identification card is also expressed in Chinese and bilingual languages.

Yi Jiang Icyang mentioned that even in the office space, including agency signs, floor signs, location guidance signs, etc., are also marked in Chinese and ethnic languages ​​side by side, and all 16 ethnic languages ​​are used, which is the only one in the country. I hope that through This practice of creating a friendly environment encourages other public agencies to also implement the language development law of indigenous peoples.

Icyang Parod, chairman of the Orang Asli Association, showed off his identification card with the name of the Amis ethnic group.

(Photo by reporter Yang Mianjie)

The office space of the Aboriginal Association is also marked with the name of the Aboriginal language.

(Photo by reporter Yang Mianjie)

Aboriginal languages ​​are also added to the guide signs on the relevant floors of the Aboriginal Association.

(Photo by reporter Yang Mianjie)