The People's Caucus of the Legislative Yuan held a press conference today to respond to questions about assistant fees.

Chief Summoner Qiu Chenyuan presided over, Secretary-General Zhang Qilu, and Party Committee Director Chen Wanhui attended.

(Photo by reporter Wang Qianhao)

[Reporter Wang Qianhao/Taipei Report] People’s Party’s Hsinchu mayor candidate Gao Hongan’s assistant fee has been controversial. On the 15th, Mr. A, who claimed to be Gao Hongan’s former office assistant, broke the news on a political talk show. The offices of the five people’s party legislators have similar situations.

In this regard, the Legislative Yuan People's Party Group held a press conference today to clarify that the assistants of the Party Group are not head assistants, and asked the whistleblowers to "play straight balls" and tell them who is the head and who is fraudulent.

After the press conference, Qiu Chenyuan, general secretary of the Party and Youth League, led people from the Party and Youth League to the Beijing Prosecutor's Office to sue the whistle-blowing assistant.

The People's Party Group held a press conference today to respond to outside questions about assistant fees and other related questions. Qiu Chenyuan said that in response to political commentary programs accusing them of being involved in corruption, they put forward three principles. They all work in the Legislative Yuan. "Our employment principles all comply with relevant regulations."

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Qiu Chenyuan pointed out that after the press conference is over, they will go to the Beijing Procuratorate to file a lawsuit, and they will first file a lawsuit against the anonymous whistleblower Mr. A.

Which public aide isn't doing congressional work?

They demanded a confrontation, hoping to clarify Mr. A's true background through the judiciary and verify his remarks.

Zhang Qilu, director of the Legislative Yuan People’s Caucus, said that the Legislative Yuan’s party group is different from the party headquarters. It belongs to the Legislative Yuan, because they have five seats without division of legislators, and they can form a party group according to law, so “there is absolutely no such thing as the state treasury connecting the party treasury.” , the public opinion is a bit confused.

Zhang Qilu pointed out that each of them has served as a party cadre, so there is an overlap between the legislator and the party cadre, and they need a colleague who is responsible for contacting the party group, keeping an eye on the committees, or studying related bills. Some committees send assistants to the The party group performs related work.

Chen Wanhui, director of the Legislative Yuan People's Party Group, said that he entered the Legislative Yuan in three years and has been the Party Group Director since the first day. All the assistants of the Party Group comply with the relevant regulations of the Legislative Yuan and are legal and compliant. Please stop talking about it. There are so-called people head.

Qiu Chenyuan said that the chairman of the People's Party and the mayor of Taipei, Ke Wenzhe, attaches great importance to the autonomy of the party group. Every Tuesday and Friday, the party group meeting adopts a collegiate system. Please do not make rumors.

He condemned the false accusations that hurt the BJP through insinuations.

When asked by the media about the number of government-funded assistants of the Party and Youth League, Qiu Chenyuan said that there are currently 11 public-funded assistants.

As for why the upper limit of 16 positions stipulated by the Legislative Yuan has not been filled, Qiu said that the shortage of workers is very serious, and that the Legislative Yuan is very professional.

In response to the revelations made by Zhang Yishan, a former member of the Central Committee of the People's Party, and Lin Guannian, the former executive director of the Hsinchu County Party Headquarters of the People's Party, Qiu Chenyuan said that they are not party cadres and appealed to everyone to verify based on facts.