The non-party mayoral candidate for Taipei, Shanshan Huang, is currently sweeping the streets of Beitou Market and accepting media interviews.

(Photo by reporter Zheng Mingxiang)

[Reporter Zheng Mingxiang/Taipei Report] Huang Shanshan, a non-party mayoral candidate for Taipei, presented a new book to DPP candidate Chen Shizhong yesterday. Deputy Mayor Lin Qinrong and former Metropolitan Development Bureau Chief Lin Zhoumin did this; for this, Huang Shanshan said, "I have very doubts about his (Chen Shizhong)'s understanding and reading ability", and even think that Chen is not even clear about the business affairs of the city government. "How could he run?"

Chen Shizhong recently criticized Huang Shanshan's "Ke Gui Huang Sui" and the deputy mayor's "immediate combat power"; Huang sent a representative to present the autographed book "City.

"Program" to Chen, "Please let him take a good look at what Huang Shanshan has done in the past three years."

Chen Shizhong said that she did not deny Huang Shanshan's work, but the political achievements she has presented are all made by Lin Qinrong and Lin Zhoumin, and the things she will do in the future have not made progress in the past three years.

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Huang Shanshan went to Beitou market to sweep the streets. When interviewed after the meeting, she yelled at Chen Shih-chung for "very doubtful about his understanding and reading ability", angrily asked "Does he even read?", and emphasized that the deputy mayor of Taipei City is responsible for industrial management. I am completely different from Lin Qinrong and Lin Zhoumin in terms of business management and are not affiliated with each other. If Chen Shizhong can't even figure out this, "How can he run for election?"

As for Huang Shanshan yesterday's ridicule of KMT candidate Jiang Wan'an's misreading of idioms in the past and his late resignation as a legislator, Jiang Wan'an did not respond, and continued to bombard Chen Shizhong, which was also considered by the outside world to deliberately marginalize Huang Shanshan; Jiang Wan'an was completely ignorant of the municipal administration, and he couldn't answer this question. "It's not that he's being marginalized, it's because he doesn't know how to answer."