Taichung is shrouded in fog today.

(Photo by reporter Su Mengjuan)

[Reporter Su Mengjuan/Taichung Report] Taichung City today has poor air quality and no blue sky. Cai Qichang, a candidate for mayor of Taichung from the Democratic Progressive Party, posted a photo of the city shrouded in mist early in the morning and lamented that Lu Xiuyan, who has served as mayor for 4 years, This month, in major campaigns or events, as long as the weather is good, supporters will be asked to look up at the sky and ask, "Is the air getting better?" "Renewal of People and Air" has become the largest guava ticket in Taiwan's political history.

Cai Qichang said that he wanted to tell Lu Xiuyan that improving air quality should not rely solely on slogans or sending Guguan air bottles to deceive the public, and even publicly blocked the "gas-for-coal" plan for 15 months, causing the "burning coal" to burn more than two hours. Years, "Politics, you can't deceive citizens by words."

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Cai Qichang said that when he went out early this morning, he received a warning message of poor air quality. As a result, Taichung was like a picture of air quality monitoring, completely falling into a fog, which made him very emotional; , to gain the support of public friends, he will never shout political slogans like "change the mayor, change the air" to deceive the citizens, and he will not tell everyone that "Yushan" can be seen in Taichung in the summer, claiming to improve air pollution It has been successful. The most exaggerated thing is that in the past month, as long as the weather is good, Mayor Lu Xiuyan will ask supporters to look up at the sky on the occasion of the rally and declare whether the air is getting better. not talking.

Cai Qichang said that he wanted to tell Lu Xiuyan, "Politics, you can't deceive citizens by words." To improve air quality, you can't just deceive citizens with slogans, or send Guguan air bottles; There have been no strategies to improve air pollution over the past year. No wonder the chairman of the Taichung City Chamber of Commerce said it was "Xi Jinping" and not Lu Xiuyan who should be thanked because factories along China's coast were shut down.

Cai Qichang said that in order to truly improve air pollution in Taichung, he pragmatically proposed a "gas-for-coal" plan in the Legislative Yuan two years ago. According to the table, all the medium and fire media in 2035 will be decommissioned, but Lu Xiuyan has publicly blocked the "gas-for-coal" plan for 15 months due to different political stances, allowing the "burning coal" to burn for more than two years. To escort the burning of coal at the expense of the health of Taichung citizens.” This is his saddest part.

Cai Qichang said that the improvement of air pollution does not distinguish between blue and green, and does not distinguish between central and local governments. It is the blessing of Taichung citizens to have gas-fired units come online as soon as possible and coal-fired units to be withdrawn one after another. The people need action mayors.