Dai Xiqin, however, received complaints from the public. From October 26 onwards, the vehicle passed through the parking lot of the Guangci Community House's Area E, and the pavement and floor tiles made "gurgling" sounds from time to time.

(Provided by Dai Xiqin's office)

[Reporter Yang Xinhui/Taipei Report] Ke Shifu only held the "Guangci Community House Entering the House Party" on October 29, but Taipei City Councilor Dai Xiqin received the public's petition, and vehicles passed through Guangci Community House E District from October 26 In the parking lot, the pavement and floor tiles made "gurgling" noises from time to time, causing the surrounding people to wake up in the middle of the night from time to time, and even experience auditory hallucinations. After investigation, he found that the disturbing noise was caused by continuous rain, which washed away the sand under the floor tiles. As a result, the floor tiles are loose and uneven, resulting in noise when the vehicle is passing.

Ho Jiawei, the engineering department of the Residential Engineering Division of the Metropolitan Development Bureau, said that he did receive complaints from nearby residents. According to the regulations, the manufacturer has a 30-day improvement period. For the ground material, sand will not be used in the future, bricks will be removed and asphalt will be replaced, and the cost will be absorbed by the manufacturer.

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It is understood that the pavement is paved with "concrete floor tiles" and is a construction project of the "Guangci Ab Standard Turnkey Project (with a budget of nearly 4.5 billion)". ” What’s even more outrageous is that the city government sent staff to repair it at the end of October, but I didn’t expect that the same noise of disturbing neighbors would happen again in a few days.

Dai Xiqin said that the weather in Taipei City a few days ago had no torrential rain or heavy rainfall except for occasional rain. How could the sand and soil be washed away under the floor tiles? He asked the city government to send staff to understand the improvement as soon as possible, and before proposing improvement plans. It is necessary to understand whether the engineering planning of the road section and the selection of road surface materials meet the actual needs, and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the public grievances caused by the opening of the Guangci Community House so far, and take into account local public opinion, and propose improvement plans as soon as possible.