The public high school in Taipei City plans to reduce enrollment next year, making it difficult to enter star high schools such as Jianzhong and Beiyi Girls.

(Photo by reporter Cai Yahua)

[Reporter Cai Yahua/Taipei Report] Affected by the decline of children, the shortage of vocational enrollment in high schools in Taipei has been increasing year by year, especially in private schools. It is tentatively planned that the number of students in each class will be reduced by 1 in the 112 academic year, from the current 35 students to 34 students, 23 places for Jianguo Middle School, and 20 places for Beiyi Girls.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, this year, the 15 school districts nationwide have 182,400 enrollments, only 129,382 people have signed up and 128,426 people have been admitted, with an admission rate of 99.26%. The enrollment vacancy is as high as 53,974. Both hit new highs.

Taipei City has the largest number of public high school vocational schools. The enrollment quota is almost arranged for the 9th grade students of the new junior high school. The enrollment performance of private schools is quite unsatisfactory.

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Chen Suhui, deputy director of the Beicheng Bureau of Education, said that due to the impact of the low birth rate, the private school proposal reflects the hope that the number of public high school vocational enrollment will be reduced. Therefore, the meeting discussed that the number of enrollment in the next year should be maintained or reduced. The preliminary plan is that the number of classes will remain unchanged and the number of classes will be reduced. The number of people is reduced by 1, and the teaching of teachers can also be reduced.

Chen Fuhui emphasized that the reduction in the number of enrollments is due to both public and private schools. "Let's reduce it together." For the 23 classes in Jianzhong, 23 places were reduced, and the number of students in the 20 classes of Beiyi girls was reduced by 20. It is also less, and it will not affect those who want to be admitted to Jianzhong and Beiyinu.

A second meeting will be held next Friday to confirm the class size, sign the report to the director of education and the mayor for approval, and then report it to the Normal University Test Center as the total enrollment for the 112 academic year.