The Bureau of Forestry said that Taiwan has more than 50 kinds of bamboo and will introduce provincial machinery to reduce the cost of domestic bamboo.

(Provided by the Forest Service)

[Reporter Yang Yuanting/Taipei Report] The bamboo forest area in Taiwan is 183,000 hectares. With the increase of labor costs and other factors, imported bamboo gradually replaced domestic bamboo after 2016. Because bamboo forest has considerable carbon sink benefits, in order to achieve the 2050 net zero goal, agricultural The Forestry Bureau of the Committee proposed the draft "Development Plan for Emerging Bamboo Industry from 2022 to 2025" and sent it to the Government for approval. It has strived to hold the World Bamboo Forum in Taiwan by 2024.

The Forestry Bureau held the "Development Vision Forum for the Emerging Bamboo Industry" today. Jincheng, the vice chairman of the Agricultural Committee, said that if the bamboo industry in Taiwan is to be rediscovered, the mechanization of provincial labor is very important. Labor-saving machinery is expected to reduce costs, so that building parts and craftsmen are more willing to use domestic bamboo.

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Regarding the forestry bureau's development plan for the emerging bamboo industry from 2022 to 2025, director Lin Huaqing said that the main focus of the plan is the supply of raw materials at the production end and the renewal of bamboo forests to improve the foundation for development.

At present, in addition to actively investing in the introduction of high-efficiency bamboo production equipment, it has also restarted the management of state-owned bamboo forests and plans to promote public and private bamboo forest management guidance measures. He also mentioned that Taiwan has strived to hold the World Bamboo Forum by 2024. , more than 30 countries are expected to participate.

The Forestry Bureau also pointed out that before 2016, Taiwan's bamboo production could reach about 2 million pieces per year. With the increase in felling costs, the cost of bamboo materials has been reduced to 500,000 to 700,000 pieces every year, and the import volume is also greater than the export volume. In order to To allow Chinese people to use state-owned bamboo, the production end of the plan proposed by the Forestry Administration includes cleaning up abandoned old bamboo, renewing 5,000 hectares, and using labor-saving machinery. It is expected to improve production efficiency by 30% and reduce shipping costs by 20%.

As for the processing part, it includes adjusting the collection and warehousing of bamboo materials to stabilize the supply of raw materials, such as establishing a material source information platform, and setting up material preparation yards in Taoyuan Fuxing, Nantou Zhushan, Tainan Longqi, and Hualien Fuli to supply in series upward and to For the lower tandem marketing; for the market side, it is expected that the World Bamboo Forum will be held in 2024, and more than 30 countries are expected to participate.

The Forest Service pointed out that bamboo also has an excellent carbon sequestration effect. It is expected to reach 101,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2025 and 610,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2040.

The Bureau of Forestry said that Taiwan has more than 50 kinds of bamboo and will introduce provincial machinery to reduce the cost of domestic bamboo.

(Provided by the Forest Service)