Guan Biling once again criticized in the PO article "Xu Qiaoxin gained his voice and lost his personality and trust!".

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[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin smeared DPP Taipei mayoral candidate Chen Shizhong for clinging to women's "salty pig hands". Chen Shizhong's policy group convener and legislator Guan Biling exchanged fire with Xu Qiaoxin many times yesterday , today Guan Biling criticized again in the PO article "Xu Qiaoxin has gained his voice and lost his personality and trust!", and bluntly said "Jiang Wan'an's team is madly trampling on the civil servants of the municipal government!"

A screenshot of Guan Biling's PO article on the Facebook PO post "Shuijing College of Political Science and Economics". The article pointed out that several attending physicians of United Medical felt that Xu Qiaoxin's method of smearing Chen Shizhong was dirty, and Chen Shizhong's efforts and contributions to epidemic prevention were all It is obvious to all that some people do this only to drain the trust of medical personnel in them.

Please read on...

Guan Biling said in the post that after this fan post was published, it caused a lot of sympathy in the medical community. In this post, Xu Qiaoxin has become a person who has lost credibility and excessive political manipulation, while Xu Qiaoxin and You Shuhui As a councillor, he trampled on two innocent civil servants, but Jiang Wanan did not know that he wanted to protect the innocent civil servants of the municipal government. Instead, he let the campaign team trample on them with all their strength. Guan Biling criticized in a post, "Jiang Wanan's team is madly trampling on the civil servants of the municipal government!"

Xu Qiaoxin wrote a message in Guan Biling's post to fight back "It's okay to overturn and delete pictures, don't crash."

Guan Biling's Facebook post.

(Picture taken from Facebook)