Jiang Wanan went to Jingmei this morning to participate in the "Welcome to Respect the King and Protect the Wenshan Mountain" Jingmei Jiying Temple Safe Entrance Ceremony.

(Photo by reporter Cai Sipei)

[Reporter Cai Sipei/Taipei Report] Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin posted a number of photos on Facebook the day before yesterday, accusing DPP Taipei mayoral candidate Chen Shizhong of reaching out to others after dinner.

Chiang Wan-an, a candidate for mayor of Taipei from the Kuomintang, said that during the election process, an appropriate interactive distance will be maintained as much as possible, and he will keep a low profile on issues related to Chen Shizhong's photo.

Jiang Wanan went to Jingmei this morning to participate in the "Welcome to Honor the King and Preserve the Wenshan Mountain" Jingmei Jiying Temple Safe Entrance Ceremony. After the meeting, he was asked about Chen Shizhong's photo incident.

The media is concerned that the atmosphere of the election is hot now. If you encounter a more enthusiastic support of the opposite sex, how to avoid excessive contact. Jiang said that it is erotic and only polite, and the election process should maintain an appropriate interactive distance as much as possible.

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The media also asked that Chen Shizhong criticized Xu Qiaoxin and Jiang Wanan as "black and white princes" in an exclusive interview with the program yesterday, one being a black face and the other being a white face, although cutting is still a team.

Jiang Wanan said in a low-key manner that he said what he should have said yesterday, thank you all.

The media then asked, Green Camp believed that Jiang Wanan's election situation was critical, so he used inferior and indecent means to smear his personality. Chen Shizhong also said that maybe his debating performance was too good, so his opponent would smear him?

Does Xu Qiaoxin's revelations about holding hands photos give Jiang extra points?

However, Jiang Wanan has not responded positively, only saying that the press release has a complete description.

Jiang Wanan's campaign office recently stated in a press release that he was also curious about who took the photo of Chen Shizhong?

If it was taken by paparazzi, why wasn't it published?

What kind of pressure did these words and photos come under, so that someone would throw them out in anger?

Jiang Ban also emphasized that he did not use photos to make a fuss, and criticized Chen Shizhong's campaign for the headquarters. By dragging others to shift the focus, it could not cover up the fact that Chen Shizhong sang, drank, and held hands.