Ukrainian police found a large number of corpses and some torture chambers in the area occupied by the Russian army.

(Picture taken from Twitter)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] Russia sent troops to invade Ukraine. Although Russia has repeatedly denied violent crimes such as massacres, sexual assaults, and torture of Ukrainian civilians, there is more and more evidence that the Russian military committed war crimes. According to reports, Ukrainian police found as many as 1,077 bodies and 27 torture chambers in Donetsk, Kharkov and Kherson regions.

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Ukrainian Interior Minister Denys Monastyrskiy said in a national broadcast that as many as 1,077 people have been found in Russia's Donetsk, Kharkov and Kherson regions. Remains, 27 torture chambers, of which 268 in the Donetsk region, 175 of which have been identified.

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Monastsky added that the other remains are still being identified, and DNA identification and analysis are required, but the identification process is very difficult. In addition, the Ukrainian police have also discovered torture chambers in the Russian-occupied area. There are 23 in the Kharkov area, 1 in Netsk and 3 in Kherson.