After Zhandong Road (right) opens to traffic, it will form a paired one-way street with Zhanxi Road (left), effectively diverting the north-south traffic flow in the Kaohsiung station area.

(Provided by Gao City Transportation Bureau)

[Reporter Ge Youhao / Kaohsiung Report] Zhandong Road at the gate of Kaohsiung Station will open to traffic at 12:00 noon today (29th)!

Deputy Mayor Lin Qinrong emphasized that in the future, it will only take 5.5 minutes to drive from Qixian Road to Tongmeng Road on the central axis of Kaohsiung, which is faster than the 6 minutes before the demolition of the Zhongbo Viaduct!

People commuting from north to south on Zhongshan Road and Bo'ai Road will temporarily pass north-south on Zhanxi Road during this period. After the official opening of Zhandong Road today, it will form a paired one-way street with Zhanxi Road, effectively diverting north-south traffic in the Kaohsiung Station area.

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Deputy Mayor Lin Qinrong of Kaohsiung City inspected the traffic conditions at noon today. Many drivers from south to north are used to turning left to Zhanxi Road when driving to Kaohsiung Station. The city police station dispatched a large number of police officers today to help guide vehicles to turn right. , change to Zhandong Road, and from now until January 3 next year, an additional 47 police officers will be dispatched during peak hours every day to assist in directing traffic to prevent drivers from going the wrong way.

Lin Qinrong emphasized that this is a trilogy in the construction process of Kaohsiung Railway Station. The first step is to demolish the Zhongbo Viaduct; the second step is the opening of Zhanxi Road, which becomes the main road connecting Boai Road and Zhongshan Road; today is the third one. In the part, Zhandong Road is responsible for the upward line, with three lanes plus a pick-up lane, while Zhanxi Road temporarily maintains the third line.

Lin Qinrong said that on the central axis of Bo'ai Road and Zhongshan Road, from Qixian Road to Tongmeng Road is about 2 kilometers. Before the Zhongbo Viaduct is demolished, the travel time will take 6 minutes, but after 19 months of traffic on Zhanxi Road, it only takes 5 minutes. After 25 to 30 seconds, Zhandong Road can be maintained for 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

In addition, the sidewalks in the Kaohsiung station area have pedestrian spaces with a width of more than 2 meters. There will be 3 additional YouBike stations around the station area with a total of 70 vehicle columns, and a total of 7 stations around the railway station area. YouBike rental service is available at the 216 column.

After the opening of Zhandong Road, how will the people move? The Transportation Bureau pointed out that the sidewalks around the station will be open to traffic. There will be temporary parking and pick-up areas on both sides, taxis will be arranged on both sides, and the entrances and exits on the east and west sides will be open.

For the bus part, the station on the east side of the original Zhandong Road will be adjusted to the underside of the canopy on the east side of Zhandong Road. Routes 52 and 27 will use the new station service; for the taxi part, there will be a greeting station on both Zhandong Road and Zhanxi Road. The bureau also reminded that after the opening to traffic, Zhandong Road and Zhanxi Middle Road were adjusted to one-way streets. If you want to take the bus north to Boai Road, please take the bus at Zhandong Road, and those who want to go south to Zhongshan Road should take the bus at Zhanxi Road. .

The Transportation Bureau also appealed that after Zhandong Road opens to traffic this afternoon, the direction of traffic around the station area will also be adjusted accordingly. Vehicles heading north at the intersections of Zhongshan and Jianguo, please keep to the right to drive Zhandong Road. In the future, the intersections of Zhongshan, Jianguo, Boai and Jiuru will be prohibited. Turn left in all directions.

Zhandong Road at the gate of Kaohsiung Station will open to traffic at 12 noon today!

(Photo by reporter Ge Youhao)

City officials and local people applauded to welcome the historical moment of the opening of Zhandong Road.

(Photo by reporter Ge Youhao)