Zhang Shanzheng's competition office responded that the Green Camp has always been a double standard and a boomerang when it comes to cross-strait issues. It is suggested that those who are interested should use the same standard to examine Zheng Yunpeng.

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Zhang Shanzheng once again served as the honorary general counsel of the pro-small and medium-sized party

[Reporter Xu Zhuoxun/Taoyuan Report] Taiwan Jijin held a press conference today and kicked it again. Zhang Shanzheng was the honorary general counsel of the pro-small and medium-sized party "Economic Party" established in 2020.

He Yuankai, spokesman for Zhang Shanzheng, responded that the pan-green camp has always been "double standards and boomerangs" on cross-strait issues, and it is recommended that interested people examine Zheng Yunpeng with the same standard.

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Fundamentalist Party candidate for Taoyuan City Councilor Lan Shibo believes that Zhang Shanzheng's situation is different from that of DPP Taoyuan mayor candidate Zheng Yunpeng in three major ways: Zheng Yunpeng's business in China is in the past tense, Zhang Shanzheng's appointment as a Chinese director is in the present tense; Zheng Yunpeng is a Chinese director. It is to go to China to do business. Zhang Shanzheng acts as a doorman for Chinese-funded enterprises, and Chinese-funded white gloves; Zheng Yunpeng's past experience has long been open and transparent, but Zhang Shanzheng has never explained his Chinese background clearly, like squeezing toothpaste bit by bit. was revealed.

He Yuankai, spokesman for Zhang Shanzheng's competition office, responded that Green Camp has always been a double standard and a bouncer for cross-strait issues. It is suggested that those who are interested should use the same standard to examine Zheng Yunpeng. Taiwanese entertainers on the flank of the Green Camp, Taiwanese businessmen doing business on the other side, and Taiwanese youth seeking employment and studying.