CNPC Xiaogang Dalin Refinery exploded and caught fire on the evening of the 27th.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Huang Liangjie / Kaohsiung Report] Kaohsiung City Deputy Mayor Luo Dasheng led labor inspectors to Xiaogang District at noon on the 26th to inspect the high-heat slag disposal workplace of the steel plant and instruct the laborers to implement work safety. Also at the CNPC Dalin Refinery in Xiaogang District At about 10:30 on the evening of the 27th, there was an explosion and fire alarm, and industrial safety accidents were frequently reported. Zhou Dengchun, the director of labor inspection, Gao Sheng, director of labor, paid great attention to it, emphasizing that high-risk manufacturers that have major occupational accidents or poor industrial safety will be encrypted and supervised. Inspection frequency and stricter penalties.

At present, the fire department has dispatched 23 vehicles and 48 people to burn hydrogen sulfide in the third heavy oil desulfurization plant. The city government team failed to effectively supervise work safety and directly accused Mayor Chen Qimai of dereliction of duty.

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At noon on the 26th, Deputy Mayor Luo Dashengcai and Labor Director Zhou Dengchun team inspected the work safety of the steel plant in Xiaogang District. Unexpectedly, a major industrial safety incident was reported on the 27th. Representative Lan and the candidate questioned the labor bureau's decision on major occupational disasters, or workers. Whether the high-risk manufacturers with bad security have really implemented audits and education.

The Gao City Labor Bureau issued a press release on the 26th stating that Deputy Mayor Luo Dasheng led labor inspectors to a steel factory in Xiaogang District to inspect the workplace of high-heat slag disposal, and urged the industry to actively prevent the risk of water vapor explosion to ensure the safety of labor and the factory area. Dasheng said that the high-heat slag disposal operation may have the risk of water vapor explosion, which is a key hazard in the metal smelting and manufacturing process. The industry should take preventive measures including cooling, drainage equipment, preventing water accumulation, and operation inspection and inspection. Be sure to strengthen the SOP for reviewing high-temperature slag disposal operations, evaluate any possible causes of water accumulation, take active precautions, and teach workers to implement them.

Minister of Labor Zhou Dengchun also said that for high-risk manufacturers with major occupational accidents or poor work safety, the frequency of supervision and inspection will be encrypted and penalties will be increased. The disaster caused additional losses such as loss of labor force.

Unexpectedly, just after the heavy words were spoken to the iron and steel industry, another major explosion and industrial safety accident occurred in the petrochemical industry.

Kaohsiung Deputy Mayor led a team to Xiaogang Labor Inspection on the 26th.

(provided by the Labour Office)