The Kuomintang Taipei mayoral candidate Jiang Wanan criticized Chen Shizhong, the DPP mayoral candidate for Taipei, who often shouted against China and supported the development of domestic vaccines.

(Photo by reporter Tian Yuhua)

[Reporter Cai Sipei/Taipei Report] High-end vaccines have become the focus of Taipei's mayoral election. Qiu Chenyuan, a legislator of the People's Party, kicked out that high-end commissioned clinical trial manufacturers are Chinese-funded companies.

The Kuomintang Taipei mayoral candidate Jiang Wanan approved Chen Shizhong, the DPP mayoral candidate for Taipei, who often shouted against China and supported the development of domestic vaccines.

Jiang Wanan said today that Chen Shizhong often said that he was fighting against China and Taiwan, and he also said that he had DNA against China and Taiwan, and he even said that he would support the development of domestic vaccines, saying that domestic vaccines were strategic materials. The experiment is to entrust a Chinese-funded company to conduct data analysis.

Jiang Dasuan, if according to Chen Shizhong's standard of anti-China protection Taiwan, Chen is just saying one thing and doing another, and there is no anti-China protection DNA at all.

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The media are also concerned that, according to the confidentiality clause of the vaccine procurement contract, the government, courts, and regulatory agencies can disclose the procurement contract if necessary. Now the Audit Department of the Supervisory Yuan says that the people should know the price and whether the information should be made public.

Jiang Wanan said that according to the exception clause of the confidentiality agreement, as long as the government needs it, it should be made public. The right to know.