On the afternoon of October 25, Ukrainian hackers hacked one of the satellite television providers in Novosibirsk and broadcast a call from the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the mobilized to surrender.

This was reported by the Strategic Committee of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It is noted that for a long time Novosibirsk television broadcast an appeal by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Russian army with a proposal to surrender and resist violent and general mobilization. 

"The hissing of ghouls and ghouls, who could not look at anything, except for the appeal, could be heard hundreds of kilometers away," the report says.

In the appeal to the Russians, footage of the war in Ukraine was shown, and the voice behind the footage said the following:

"You are on the territory of a foreign country and participate in the war crimes of the Russian leadership. Every day you are thrown to the slaughter.

For your command, you are expendable material.

No one counts the losses.

Ask yourself the question - what are you fighting for?

For the fear of your leaders to lose power ? For their way of life, created on your and your families' money? For their stupidity and incompetence? Ukraine has never threatened the Russian Federation."

The message also stated that the command of the Armed Forces offers the Russians to surrender and return home.

Ukraine also guarantees compliance with all Geneva Conventions and rules for the treatment of prisoners of war.

It will be recalled that on October 24, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published an urgent appeal to the Russian military with a call not to succumb to the Kremlin's propaganda, not to serve the dictator Vladimir Putin, and not to surrender.  

In addition, according to Ukrainian intelligence, at least 200,000 people have been drafted into the army in Russia since the beginning of the "partial" mobilization.

Mobilization continues, but propagandists have been ordered not to spread this information.

Please note that 

to voluntarily surrender to the Armed Forces, 

you can call the following numbers: +38-066-580-34-98, +38-093-119-29-84.

You can also use the "I want to live" chatbot (https://t.me/spasisebyabot) - it accepts applications from Russian military personnel and their relatives.

Read also:

  • "Putin's cook" Prigozhin recruits HIV and hepatitis patients for the war: what is known

  • In the Russian Federation, they mobilized all the engineers of one of the enterprises: to replace them with no one

  • In Novosibirsk, the third mobilized person died: this time – after drinking alcohol

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