
Yuriy Tkach

starred in a witty parody and made fun of the Russian soldiers guarding the Crimean bridge. 

In the video, which the comedian shared on his Instagram page, he transformed into an FSB colonel who allegedly gives an interview, while the same truck with explosives is being driven onto the bridge.

In an impromptu interview, Colonel Prozevalov, played by Tkach, assures that "the bridge is reliably guarded" and not even a single fly can fly there without permission. 

"In order to work here, we all passed the toughest competitive selection. The hardest and most professional selection was only for the cruiser "Moscow". We have several hidden cameras here, I don't know exactly how many, I can't count them, they are hidden." - Tkach joked. 

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The Ukrainian actor also ridiculed all possible defenses of the bridge, which Russian propagandists constantly talk about.

Tkach joked that the most reliable protection of the building is the blessing of the Moscow Patriarchate and a sticker from the Patriarch. 

"There is a reliable air defense near the bridge. Just so you understand, this air defense has its own air defense, and that air defense also has its own air defense. Why so many? Because the hell knows which of them works!" - trolled Tkach.

And finally, "Colonel Prozevalov" assured that the holes in the Crimean bridge appeared simply so that he could "breathe better". 

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